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Standing Knee Hug To Spiderman Lunge With Overhead Reach And Hip Lift


How To Do A Standing Knee Hug To Spiderman Lunge With Overhead Reach And Hip Lift Correctly

The Standing Knee Hug To Spiderman Lunge With Overhead Reach And Hip Lift is a dynamic warm up mobility flow to help open up your hamstrings, shoulders, and back.

If you sit all day, your hamstrings are likely tight, so you’re going to love how great you’ll feel after this warm up.

This combination move has a bunch of different names, however I like to call it the “Microwave” since it warms up your entire body, with just one move.

Let’s break this move down into the following simple steps:

  1. While standing, lift your knee up to complete a standing knee hug.
  2. Let go of your knee, then complete a forward spiderman lunge out to the 11 o’clock position.
  3. Place both hands on the floor inside your front knee.
  4. You can drop your back knee down to the floor if you prefer.
  5. Complete an overhead reach by raising your inside hand up to the ceiling as you rotate your torso towards your front knee.
  6. This should create a straight line from your planted hand up to your top hand.
  7. Hold this position for a brief moment, then lower your hand back down beside the other hand on the floor.
  8. Raise your back knee off the floor and straighten your legs as you bring your butt up into the air to complete a hip lift.
  9. You should feel a good stretch in the hamstring on the front leg.
  10. Step back with your forward leg as you stand back up.
  11. Switch legs and repeat the same steps by first completing a standing knee hug with the other leg, then move into a spiderman lunge out to the 2 o’clock position, then overhead reach, followed by a hip lift.
  12. Step back with your forward leg to stand back up.
  13. Complete this dynamic mobility warm up flow 6 times on both legs.

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