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4 Minute Tabata Workout Routine To Get Lean


Beginner And Advanced Exercise Substitutions

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing a 4 minute tabata workout routine to get lean, on the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City.

The temperature was a little bit cold, but this tabata workout routine will warm you up and burn away that stubborn fat.

This is going to be crazy.

All you need for this 4 minute tabata full workout is:

tabata timer

4 Minute Tabata Workout Routine To Get Lean

Here’s how this 4 minute tabata workout routine to get lean is structured:


Total time:

4 minutes.

Type of workout:

This tabata workout consists of:

  • 8 exercises
  • 20 seconds of work
  • Followed by a 10 second break
  • Repeat that 20:10 interval for a total of 8 intervals.

Round 1: Advanced Exercise Variations

During the first round of this tabata workout routine, I’ll show you the following advanced exercise variations:

Round 2: Beginner Exercise Variations

During the second round of this tabata workout routine, I’ll show you the following beginner exercise modifications:

This way you can choose which exercises to do, based on your fitness level.

Advanced Tabata Workout Routine Version:

Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration.

Let’s get started with the first exercise.

A1. Tuck Jump Squat

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Sets: 2

Coaching cues: in the video, I incorrectly called the Tuck Jump Squat, Knee Tucks. No big deal. To get started, jump up as high as you can go, while tucking your knees to your hands. Complete for 20 seconds, take a 10 second break, then move on to the alternating surfer burpee. Let’s go.

A2. Alternating Surfer Burpee

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Sets: 2

Coaching cues: for the second exercise, get down on your stomach, then explosively pop up to your feet while rotating to the side, just like you would on a surfboard.

A3. Star Jump Burpee Push Up

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Sets: 2

Coaching cues: for the third exercise, you’ll complete a star jump burpee push up. Let’s go.

A4. Around The World 180 Degree Jump Squat Floor Tap

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Sets: 2

Coaching cues: for the last exercise, complete 20 seconds of the Around The World 180 Degree Jump Squat Floor Tap.

Take a 10 second break and repeat the A1-A4 advanced exercises for a total of two circuits.

Beginner Tabata Routine Version:

Note: If you’re an advanced trainee, you can repeat the previously shown advanced exercise variations.

A1. Standing High Knee Taps

Reps: 20 seconds


Rest: 10 seconds

Sets: 2

Coaching cues: to complete the standing high knee tap, raise one knee and tap it to your hand. Alternate legs for 20 seconds then take a 10 second break.

A2. Beginner Alternating Surfer Burpee

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Sets: 2

Coaching cues: this is the beginner modified variation of the alternating surfer burpee. Start on your stomach, then stand up and rotate while staying in a quarter squat stance. Complete for 20 seconds, take a 10 second break, then move on to the beginner burpee push up.

A3. Beginner Burpee Push Up

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Sets: 2

Coaching cues: lie down on your belly, complete a push up, then stand up. Complete for 20 seconds, rest for 10 seconds, then move on to the last beginner exercise variation, the Around The World 180 Degree Floor Tap.

A4. Around The World 180 Degree Floor Tap

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Sets: 2

Coaching cues: the main difference from the advanced variation is there is no jump.

Repeat the beginner A1-A4 exercises for a total of two circuits.

That’s It


Your heart rate should be up now.

In just 4 minutes, you’re going to be increasing your metabolism to burn tons of fat and calories throughout the day.

Try the advanced tabata workout routine, but if it is too hard, start with the beginner exercise modifications.

If You Loved This Tabata Workout Routine You’ll Love Live Lean Meltdown

If you want more tabata workout routines like this, go check out my Live Lean Meltdown follow along video workout program.

In addition to the professionally produced, 30 minute no equipment “Main Event” cardio workout, this program also includes 6 exclusive 4 minute tabata workouts and 2 “Brad Says…” 5 minute workouts that I have not shared on our Live Lean TV YouTube channel.

Live Lean Meltdown is guaranteed to get you sweaty.

Rock Hard Abs Workout Live Lean Meltdown Workout DVD

Get the full Live Lean Meltdown program here.

Once you purchase, you’ll also get instant access to a total of 10 videos.

Live Lean Meltdown Workouts Include:

  • “Main Event” 30 minute workout
  • “Start Getting Lean” 4 minute tabata workout
  • “Ripped Core” 4 minute tabata workout
  • “Explosive Gains” 4 minute tabata workout
  • “Shredded In 4” 4 minute tabata workout
  • “Toned & Ready” 4 minute tabata workout
  • “Beach Body” 4 minute tabata workout
  • “Brad Says: Fat Can’t Live Here” 5 minute workout
  • “Brad Says: Sweat Is Your Fat Crying 5 minute workout
  • Bonus: “How To Make Your Own $2 Agility Ladder In Just 2 Minutes

The full Live Lean Meltdown program is available here.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


Did you enjoy this 4 minute tabata workout routine to get lean?

If you enjoyed this 4 minute tabata workout routine to get lean, show your love by clicking the social media buttons to share this with your friends.

Subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel and leave a comment below on what you want to see in future posts.

Today’s Question Of The Day:

  • Do you complete tabata workout routines?
  • What time of day do you normally do your tabata workout routine?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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38 responses to “4 Minute Tabata Workout Routine To Get Lean

  1. Did the advanced routine and collapsed into a foetal position on the
    floor…almost called out ‘mommy!’….I’m a 27yr father of two. BRUTAL

  2. Am I supposed to hear my knees cracking every time I bend through them
    (like after the jump + touching knees with hands)? I’m just wondering
    whether I’m destroying my knees or training them :p

  3. タバタ式ワークアウト、毎日4分でという提唱はいいかも。



  4. Love this music want to tabata to this so bad, but my legs hurt from yours
    and jess’s workout vid #soreness #lovin it

  5. hello brad how’s its going.. i just first found you and honestly really
    like what your doing.. but i got a big question here which is im still not
    sure how to do it.. how or when i can do the after-burn exercises is it
    after or before gym? im 32old and weight 80kg ive been going to gym 6 years
    ago and i got almost the same body as yours BUT!! i still cant lose the fat
    in my belly so i need your advice about when i can do this before or after
    the gym workout.. thanks and keep it up.

  6. I was so fucking tired when I was doing the advanced circuit, then when it
    got to the 180 floor taps, it was too much for me because I got super dizzy
    from spinning (and I was already SUPER tired) and threw up lol

  7. Can you please recommend me a nice exercises for work out my husband back.
    I tried to help him, but nothing looks to help him.
    Thank you!!!

  8. Intense! Tried it for the first time today. I love the short (4min)
    duration…eliminates all excuses for not working out. Best of all, I can
    do these at home, at the office, or even while traveling!!

  9. Hi Brad, thanks for these amazing videos. I got some questions for you. How
    often per week do you recommend to do these exercises ? should it be a
    finisher after usual work-out or do it work as stand alone workout ? Thanks
    for your time and answering the questions.

    Oliver from Bavaria

  10. Ah ok I thought I might off been a wrist support for tennis elbow and
    similar injuries like that

  11. In other videos I realised you talk super fast like I can’t pick some words
    can u slow down

  12. @Rahul P I’m not Brad but hope I can help! You can do tabata as your cardio
    workout, after your weight training. I think Brad’s tabata videos are
    amazing, I’ve been doing them for about 2-3 weeks and dropped alot of body
    fat. I suggest you vary your workouts with this video and Brad’s other
    tabata training videos. Don’t keep doing just this video, cause your body
    will get used to the workout. Vary it and make sure you keep it short and
    intense! 😉 And Brad YOU ROCK!!

  13. would you consider this a good warm up if I’m working legs today? or should
    I save this to do at the end?

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