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4 Minute At Home Chest And Abs Tabata Workout


4 Killer No Equipment Chest And Abs Exercise Combos

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m taking you through a killer no equipment 4 minute at home chest and abs tabata workout routine.

When you ask guys which body parts they want to improve, it’s usually the chest and abs.

Well I have some good news for you.

That’s specifically what we’re targeting, in only 4 minutes, with this bodyweight at home chest abs workout.

Since each exercise contains a push up, you’ll also be targeting your triceps and building up your arms, while also getting in a great cardio workout.


Trust me, these 4 chest and abs combo exercises will leave you crying out for mercy.

But don’t worry, you’ll be working out right along side of me for these next 4 killer minutes.

All You Need For This 4 Minute Chest And Abs Tabata Workout Is:

  • Your body
  • Interval timer
    • To do a tabata workout correctly, you need a timer that is easily accessible, doesn’t get in the way, and notifies you when your work or rest period is over.
    • Simply set the timer to 20 second work intervals and 10 second rest intervals, then the timer will beep and/or vibrate to tell you the interval is over.
    • You don’t even need to look at it during the workout since it continues until your full 4 minutes is up.
    • If you don’t have a timer that fits the above criteria, here’s a link to a tabata workout interval timer to keep track of your work and rest periods.
tabata timer

4 Minute Chest And Abs Tabata Workout

Here’s the breakdown of today’s 4 minute at home chest and abs tabata workout.

Total time:

4 minutes.

I’m only asking for 4 minutes, so give it all you got.


The goal of a tabata workout is to complete 20 seconds of work per exercise, for as many reps as possible, with proper form, without stopping.

If the buzzer goes off in the middle of a rep, make sure you complete the full push up and abs combo exercise before stopping.

20 seconds is not long, so make sure you keep fighting to the finish.


After completing a 20 second set, take a 10 second break, then move onto the next exercise.


2 sets per exercise for a workout total of 8 sets.


You’ll complete the following 4 chest and abs combo exercises in a giant set, then repeat it one time, for a total of 2 giant sets.

It’s time to put in the work.

Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration.

A1. Push Up To Alternating Straight Arm T-Plank

The first chest and abs exercise combo is the push up to alternating straight arm side t-plank.

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Sets: 2

This targets the chest and the obliques, which are found on both sides of the abs.

Coaching cues:

  1. Get down on the floor with your arms straight, hands just outside shoulder width, and directly below your shoulders.
  2. Lower your body to the ground by bending your elbows until your chest hovers just above the ground.
  3. Contract your chest and triceps to push yourself back up to the beginning position.
  4. Keep your body straight as a board, by keeping all your muscles firing and turned on.
  5. Once you’re at the top of the push up, immediately complete a side t-plank by contracting your abs while rotating your body, pivoting your feet, and extending your top arm straight up to the ceiling, with your other hand firmly planted into the ground, so your body creates the letter T.
  6. Under control, return to the starting push up position and complete another push up, then switch sides to complete another t-plank on the opposite side. 
  7. Continue alternating sides and repeat.

A2. Push Up With Mountain Climber

The next chest and abs exercise combo is the push up with mountain climber.

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Sets: 2

This is a similar to the previous exercise, however this time we’re combining a push up with a mountain climber.

The mountain climber places more emphasis on the rectus abdominis, which is the long muscle found on the anterior abdominal wall.

Coaching cues:

  1. Get into a push up position by placing your hands shoulder width apart, then bend your elbows to lower your chest to just a few inches off the floor, keeping your body straight as a board.
  2. Press the floor away from you to get back to the top of the push up, then immediately complete 2 mountain climbers, 1 rep per side, by driving one knee toward your chest, while maintaining a flat back, then reverse it back to the starting position.
  3. Repeat with your other leg, then complete another push up.
  4. Alternate back and forth as fast as you can, while maintaining good form, and keeping your abs tight and contracted.

A3. Push Up To Alternating Straight Arm Side Plank Knee To Elbow Crunch

The third chest and abs exercise combo is the push up to alternating straight arm side plank knee to elbow crunch.

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Sets: 2

In addition to targeting the chest, this movement also targets the obliques.

Coaching cues:

  1. Get down on the floor with your arms straight, hands just outside shoulder width, and directly below your shoulders.
  2. Lower your body to the ground by bending your elbows until your chest hovers just above the ground.
  3. Contract your chest and triceps to push yourself back up to the beginning position.
  4. Once you’re at the top of the push up, immediately rotate your body into a straight arm side plank by pivoting your feet, and balancing on one extended arm.
  5. Immediately bend your top leg and top arm to crunch your knee towards your elbow, while maintaining your balance.
  6. Under control, return to the starting push up position and complete another push up, then switch sides to complete another knee to elbow crunch. 
  7. Continue alternating sides and repeat.

A4. Push Up With Plank Knee Tuck

The fourth chest and abs exercise combo is the push up with plank knee tuck.

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Sets: 2

By now, your chest will be getting burnt out, but you got it.

Remember, last set, best set.

Coaching cues:

  1. Get into a push up position with your hands and feet planted into the floor, with your shoulders directly over your hands.
  2. Complete a push up by lowering your body towards the ground, keep your back flat and neck neutral.
  3. Press your hands through the floor to rise back up, then immediately complete a double knee tuck by driving both knees towards your elbows.
  4. Stick the landing, then drive both feet back out and complete another push up.
  5. Continue alternating for reps.

That’s One Round

Once you complete the first round, take a 10 second break, then immediately move into the second round, by completing the A1-A4 exercises one more time.

Then you are done.

Yeah buddy.

You Just Completed The 4 Minute At Home Chest And Abs Tabata Workout

Awesome job.

You just hit your chest and smashed your abs in 4 minutes at home.

Damn that feels good!

Thanks for working out with me.

Keep Living Lean.

If You Loved This Tabata Workout Routine You’ll Love Live Lean Meltdown

If you want more tabata workout routines like this, go check out my Live Lean Meltdown follow along video workout program.

In addition to the professionally produced, 30 minute no equipment “Main Event” cardio workout, this program also includes 6 exclusive 4 minute tabata workouts and 2 “Brad Says…” 5 minute workouts that I have not shared on our Live Lean TV YouTube channel.

Live Lean Meltdown is guaranteed to get you sweaty.

Rock Hard Abs Workout Live Lean Meltdown Workout DVD

Get the full Live Lean Meltdown program here.

Once you purchase, you’ll also get instant access to a total of 10 videos.

Live Lean Meltdown Workouts Include:

  • “Main Event” 30 minute workout
  • “Start Getting Lean” 4 minute tabata workout
  • “Ripped Core” 4 minute tabata workout
  • “Explosive Gains” 4 minute tabata workout
  • “Shredded In 4” 4 minute tabata workout
  • “Toned & Ready” 4 minute tabata workout
  • “Beach Body” 4 minute tabata workout
  • “Brad Says: Fat Can’t Live Here” 5 minute workout
  • “Brad Says: Sweat Is Your Fat Crying“ 5 minute workout
  • Bonus: â€śHow To Make Your Own $2 Agility Ladder In Just 2 Minutes“

The full Live Lean Meltdown program is available here.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


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Today’s Question Of The Day:

  • Do you complete tabata workout routines?
  • Which muscle group do you want to improve the most?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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26 responses to “4 Minute At Home Chest And Abs Tabata Workout

  1. What the heck do you mean, “Let’s go gentleman?!” Where’s the love for the
    ladies Brad? I rocked this tabata!

  2. Answer soon! I have same question as lekkl1 how many of the in a say and
    for how many days in a week? Please answer soon!

  3. When you do these Tabata workouts – is that all you do for that day?? Or
    will you just mix some Tabata into other workout plans? Suggestion for how
    many 4m Tabata’s per day or per week?

  4. Hay Brad I love this workout just for the morning. I’m a 56y/o and my
    problem is low cardio/ resistance. Also my wt is a yo yo, I was 255lb now
    I’m 227lb is a long work but good. Can you give me any advice how to deal
    with a low metabolism for this older men. God bless you and keep the good
    work. Edwin

  5. Thanks for the video, this is a very good excercise. After the first two
    rounds i did not feel very exhausted. Well, that changed after round 4.
    Greetings from Germany!

  6. your vids are great, and I subscribed because of the excellent info you
    give. One thing tho, how many sets of these 4 minute intervals am I
    supposed to be doing?

  7. Hay Brad I love this workout just for the morning. I’m a 56y/o and my
    problem is low cardio/ resistance. Also my wt is a yo yo, I was 255lb now
    I’m 227lb is a long work but good. Can you give me any advice how to deal
    with a low metabolism for this older men. God bless you and keep the good
    work. Edwin

  8. I’d just the other day following watching your sled pushes (BGTV) thought,
    “Man, I think that’s the first time I’d seen Brad show fatigue.” Then, I
    saw this. Great work. Reminds me of Rocky III (when he cut Clubber Lang
    with a right hook): “You see; you see, he’s NOT a machine. He’s a MAN…”

  9. So many push-ups! Love it.
    Are you wearing the reebok crossfits? I’ve been eying those kicks and am
    close to ordering. Would you recommend them?

  10. Brad u r a fit fit man! Breathing heavy after the 2set and still being able
    to finish! Niiice

  11. Holy crap that looks hard, if your stuffed. I am going to be toast. Might
    get through round one challenge accepted.

  12. Awesome man. Gonna be doing this very soon. Looks great. Thanks for
    introducing me to Tabata. I add them after every strength or core
    workout. They are great for a filler or anything you can imagine. They
    are very versatile. Thanks for the vid.

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