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Best Weight Loss Rule For Sustainable Results


Listen to the post, Best Weight Loss Rule For Sustainable Results, on our Live Lean TV Podcast. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast!

#1 Weight Loss Rule: It’s Not What You Think

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing the best weight loss rule for sustainable results, that has nothing to do with starving yourself or becoming a slave to the treadmill.

If you’re looking for maximum results, that are sustainable over the long-term, you need to incorporate this rule in all areas of your life.

But before I share the number one weight loss rule, I’m very interested in learning what you think I’m going to say.


So before reading any further, scroll to the bottom of this blog post, and quickly tell me in the comments section what your guess is.

Okay, if you did it, thanks for commenting.

When you actively participate in these posts, I promise the information will sink in much faster.

So thank you Live Leaner for playing along and commenting below.

Best Weight Loss Rule For Sustainable Results

In my opinion, the best weight loss rule for sustainable results is to take personal responsibility for your actions.

Weight Loss: Taking Personal Responsibility

In other words, commit to change, and own it.

I’m going to share a personal story about how this applied to me, in just a bit, so stay tuned for that.

Now, to get something you’ve never had before, you have to do something you’ve never done before.

Since you’re committing to a new and healthy Live Lean lifestyle, it’s going to be a challenge.

New positive habits will have to be formed and old bad habits will have to be forgotten.

I’ve received hundreds of testimonials from people telling me my workout programs, my cookbooks, and my nutrition philosophies are the reason why they finally lost weight, or added lean muscle.

Nick C SS

Seeing this makes me feel really good, but I have to correct you.

I Am Not The Reason Why You Lost Weight Or Built Muscle

The ultimate reason why you have, or you will, lose weight in the future, is because of you.

You are the one responsible for making your daily decisions.

It’s you who decides to get out of bed to go for a workout vs. getting an extra hour of sleep.

You choose exactly what you put in your mouth.

Fitness professionals can give you the roadmap to get to your final destination, but you are driving the vehicle baby.

The best workout program or the best nutrition plan will fail every time, if you, the trainee, fails to take personal responsibility, you fail to commit to change, and you don’t own your actions.

So before blaming others for why you’re not reaching your weight loss goals, remember this.

Take 100% Responsibility For Your Life

As cheesy as it may sound, when you point your finger at somebody, there’s always 3 fingers pointing right back at you.

Try it right now to see your 3 fingers pointing back at you.

It’s time to take responsibility.

My Story Of Taking Personal Responsibility

And lastly, here’s my story of how I started taking personal responsibility for my actions.

Before I started Living Lean, I struggled for approximately 5 years to get any results.

I was too stubborn to invest in myself.

I just continually followed the free workout programs you get in magazines.

The reason I didn’t get any results is because I had no skin in the game from using these free workouts.

In other words, since I didn’t invest any money into it, I had nothing to lose if I didn’t commit to it.

Very few people have a strong enough commitment to take massive action on free information.

It Took A $500 Investment In Myself Before I Saw Results

I first starting seeing results in 2010, after I finally made the decision to invest over $500 to hire my first online fitness coach.


By investing in my self-improvement, I now had skin in the game.

This meant I had no other choice but to take personal responsibility, commit to change, and own my actions.

I truly believe the lack of personal responsibility is one of the main reasons for all the issues we have in the world today.

Hopefully this post on the best weight loss rule for sustainable results inspires you to take personal responsibility for your actions.

Are You Ready To Invest In Yourself?

If you’re looking to invest in your self-improvement, check out my Ultimate Live Lean Superpack.

The Ultimate Live Lean Abs Superpack

This program sets the foundation for your Live Lean journey.

It includes my best-selling workout programs, my cookbook, and meal plans to give you the roadmap to Live Lean.

But remember, you’re the driver baby.

Note: the Ultimate Live Lean Superpack includes all of the 1.0 versions of the programs, for one major discounted bundle price.

If you want to get the newer 2.0 versions of these programs, you can buy them separately here.

Here’s What You’ll Get In The Ultimate Live Lean Superpack

This Ultimate Live Lean Superpack includes my best selling programs:

Get the entire Ultimate Live Lean Superpack for 35% OFF!

If this video was helpful, show your support by clicking the social media buttons to share the videos.

This will help me further my transformation 1,000,000 mission.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

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Question Of The Day:

  • Are you or have you been guilty of blaming others for your current situation?
  • Have you changed your mindset to take personal responsibility?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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88 responses to “Best Weight Loss Rule For Sustainable Results

  1. I guess… no wheat, no soy, no bad fats, only cook with coconut oil, only
    use olive oil as a dressing, eats lots of fruit, veggies, some grains and
    nuts, WATER, exercise…. That’s all I can think of right now.

  2. Snap-backs just aint your style bro. Other than that awesome video and
    hopefully your channel grows. I find you the most informative and accurate
    youtuber out there for the most part in terms of physical and nutritional
    information/ fitness

  3. I think you’re going to say: Maintain muscle mass with heavy compounds
    while dieting (more muscle mass = faster metabolism = more effective weight

  4. That’s right brad this is the number one. And my #2 your videos thank you
    for inspiring me you change my life and I lost 72 pounds and feeling great

  5. I think you will say to only eat food that grew from the ground or an
    animal…let me hit play again!

  6. Hey Brad..whenever i think i wanna slack off, you are the person i come to
    to inspire me to just do anything so thank you. Is there any possible tips
    on losing maybe 15-20 pounds in around a month? If not just a tip on losing
    weight would be great. Thanks and keep up the good work.

  7. Greg video Brad. If you’re not seeing results you’re not giving your 100%
    Thanks for the motivation.

  8. Excellent. it is like an alcoholic. Change will only happen when the
    drunk is personally Ready.


  9. i live lean since march 2013 , i take a photo every morning so i will make
    a movie when i hit the 365 photos 😉 Brad are u interessing in the changes
    😛 ?

  10. Can you make a video talking about calisthenics and your opinion on can you
    build muscle only with your bodyweight? It would be great that you even
    make full calisthenics program in general!

  11. Bro, its me again bboy whitelotus, you should challenge yourself to
    entering American Ninja Warrior bro

  12. great video and so true. I love what you said…when you want something
    you’ve never had before, you must do something you’ve never done before.
    Totally resonated with me!

  13. no the 1 weight loss rude is to be in a calorie deficit, this guys just
    trying to sell you stuff hes desperate

  14. Well I paused the video I’m not a lean guy but from point of view it’s all
    about input/output of calories. You need a deficit of calories to in my
    case loose weight

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