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On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m very excited to share the 26 best healthy hangover foods to help cure your hangover faster.
Before we get started, let me first share this quick note.
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As a Live Leaner, you live a balanced life.
It’s ok to enjoy an occasional 1-2 drinks of alcohol and celebrate a night out with friends.
However, one of the “drawbacks” of Living Lean is that since our bodies are well oiled healthy machines, we don’t necessarily process alcohol very well.
In other words, drinking just a few more than the typical 1-2 social drinks, can lead to bad hangovers.
During my partying days, I remember I could hit up a house party for pre-drinks, then hit up the clubs, then come home at 4am and wake up the next day feeling completely fine.
Now if I go out for a few social drinks and come home by 1am, the next morning I’m usually feeling the symptoms of that nasty hangover.
In previous posts, I’ve talked about:
Remember, it’s important to eat a good meal before the festivities start.
When you have a full stomach, the alcohol will start breaking down before your body absorbs it, rather than hitting your bloodstream fast.
These 26 healthy hangover foods are high in the following nutrients, which are necessary to help the body recover from stress, and speed up the elimination of the alcohol from your system:
In other words, you can now skip the Tylenol.
Without further ado, let’s jump into the 26 best healthy hangover foods to help cure your hangover faster.
Vegetables are very hydrating, and filled with vitamins and minerals, to help out your poor liver after a night of boozing.
#1. Asparagus
Asparagus has been shown to help improve enzyme production to breakdown alcohol, and lower the nasty hangover effects.
Try eating asparagus for dinner before your night out, as well as the next day.
#2. Broccoli
#3. Brussels Sprouts
#4. Cauliflower
#5. Chard
#6. Collard Greens
#7. Kale
#8. Tomato Juice
Fruits are high in antioxidants and the fructose can help increase the metabolism of the alcohol.
#9. Apples
#10. Bananas
#11. Berries
#12. Kiwi
#13. Mango
#14. Pears
These foods are high in probiotics, which can help increase the rate at which the body gets rid of the toxins.
You could also take a probiotic supplement before and after drinking.
#15. Kimchi
#16. Sauerkraut
#17. Pickled Vegetables
#18. Kombucha
#19. Eggs
Eggs are a good source of amino acids and b vitamins to help replenish and break down toxins.
Coffee and green tea are loaded with antioxidants, which helps protect the liver and increase recovery.
The caffeine also helps.
#20. Green Tea
#21. Coffee
#22. Water
#23. Lemons
#24. Limes
#25. Honey
When you are hungover, you are severely dehydrated.
This is why it’s important to drink lots of water, typically 0.7 oz per pound of bodyweight.
In addition to water, trying adding some alkalizing lemon or lime juice to help your liver.
You could also make your own healthy soothing lemonade recipe without sugar or lemon tea drink, which is also great for hangovers.
Prep Time | 2 minutes |
Cook Time | 10 minutes |
Servings |
![]() |
Calories: 8
Protein: 0g
Carbohydrates: 2g
Fat: 0g
Prep Time | 2 minutes |
Cook Time | 10 minutes |
Servings |
![]() |
Calories: 72
Protein: 0g
Carbohydrates: 18g
Fat: 0g
#26. Coconut Water
Coconut water is a great natural source of electrolytes to help replenish your depleted body.
Drink it before you go to bed, and as soon as you wake up.
To avoid nasty hangovers, your best solution is moderation.
Enjoy 1-2 celebratory drinks of alcohol, and you should be fine.
I prefer clear liquors like vodka mixed with water and lemon or lime.
Also, don’t forget to get in a workout.
As crazy as it sounds, one way to eliminate the toxins is to sweat them out.
Just because you don’t feel like working out, being hungover doesn’t give you a free ticket to skip your workout.
This sweaty hangover detox workout is a good workout you can do at home.
Once you finish your workout, throw in some epsom salts into a warm bath, and relax.
The epsom salts are important, because they contain magnesium, which can be absorbed by the body.
This is important since magnesium is one of the minerals that can become depleted after drinking a lot of alcohol.
You can also consider supplementing with this magnesium supplement.
Thank you so much for checking out this post on the 26 best healthy hangover foods to help cure your hangover faster.
We really appreciate.
Hopefully you’ve gained a lot of positive insights from it, and are willing to to share it with your friends.
I’m sure they can use this information to improve their health and wellbeing.
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Brad Gouthro is the founder of Live Lean TV, a media company focused on helping men and women “Live Lean” 365 days a year. Brad’s programs and content have helped millions of people all over the world learn how to get in shape, and more importantly, sustain it for life.
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