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4 Minute Cardio Tabata Workout To Lose Weight At Home


Home Sprinting Tabata Workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing a 4 minute cardio tabata workout to lose weight at home.

This indoor sprinting tabata workout can be completed in a 4′ x 4′ space at home.

Even though you’re not outdoors, this home workout will still jack up your heart rate, as if you were completing a 100m sprint at the track.

All right, let’s get into it.


4 Minute Cardio Tabata Workout To Lose Weight At Home

4 Minute Cardio Tabata Workout To Lose Weight At Home


Brad Gouthro, PTS/NWS, Host and Creator of Live Lean TV, and the #1 expert teaching people all over the world how to Live Lean 365 days a year.

Duration Of Workout:

  • 4 minutes

Workout Goals:

The goal of this 4 minute cardio tabata workout is to elevate heart rate, thus increasing calorie burn, and scorching your fat in just 4 minutes.

4 Minute Cardio Tabata Workout To Lose Weight At Home

Required Equipment:

tabata timer

Workout Instructions:

Set your tabata interval timer for:

  • 20 seconds of work per set
  • 10 seconds of rest to recover
  • Repeat this 20/10 interval for a total of 8 times i.e. 4 minutes.

Complete exercises A1-A4, one after another, all on the same side, in circuit format.

That’s one round.

After you complete the circuit, repeat it one more time on the other side, for a total of 8 sets over two rounds.

4 Minute Cardio Tabata Workout To Lose Weight At Home

If desired, you can also repeat this 4 minute tabata workout up to 4 times, for a total of 16 minutes.

However, you can complete the 4 minute version as a workout finisher, after your strength training workout.

Once you are ready to go, push the start button on your tabata interval timer, or click play on the video and do as I say.

Let’s scorch your body fat!

Tabata Exercises:

To learn the chest exercises, click the links below for step-by-step exercise demonstrations.

A1. Reverse Lunge Floor Tap

The first exercise is the reverse lunge floor tap.

This movement is the most beginner-friendly in this Tabata workout.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • Sets: 2

A2. Reverse Lunge Floor Tap To Forward Drive

The next exercise is the reverse lunge floor tap to forward drive.

The Reverse Lunge Floor Tap To Forward Drive is a leg exercise that primarily targets the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps, and hips.

It’s similar to the reverse lunge floor tap, however this variation adds a forward drive action to the movement.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • Sets: 2

A3. Sprinter Lunge

For the third exercise, you will progress this movement a little bit more by completing the sprinter lunge, which combines a reverse lunge floor with a knee drive.

The Sprinter Lunge is a great bodyweight lunge variation that targets the legs, as well as reving up your heart rate.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • Sets: 2

A4. Sprinter Lunge Hop

Oh baby, you’re going to complete granddaddy variation of this exercise now, the sprinter lunge hop.

Complete the same sprinter lunge movement, but this time add a hop.

The Sprinter Lunge Hop is a great bodyweight plyometric lunge variation that targets the muscle in the legs, including the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps.

By adding the explosive hop, it revs up your heart rate even faster. 

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Rest: 10 seconds
  • Sets: 2

That Is The End Of The First Round

You are halfway done.

Are you still with me and feeling good?

Since you completed all the reps on the same side during the first round, one of your legs should now be feeling juiced.

Your heart rate should also be up.

Shake it out as your prepare for the final round.


Important Note: Remember to change legs for the second round.

Give me everything you got.

Let’s go.

No pain.

Drive through it.

The finish line is very near.

If you’re feeling that lactic acid and pain in your muscles building up, push through it.

Awesome job.

I Hope You Enjoyed This 4 Minute Cardio Tabata Workout To Lose Weight At Home

4 Minute Cardio Tabata Workout To Lose Weight At Home

That was your 4 minute indoor sprint workout in a 4′ x 4′ space at home.

Hopefully you enjoyed that.

You can repeat this up to four more times to give yourself a 16 minute workout.

Or you can do this workout at the end of your strength training workouts, as your workout finisher.

This will really push your body to the limit.

I want to see you guys in action.

Make sure you share this workout with your friends, film yourself doing it, then post the video to Instagram and tag me @BradGouthro.

Also, make sure to subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel.

Thanks again for being a part of the Live Lean Nation.

You guys mean the world to me.

It means a lot that you keep coming back.

We have some awesome episodes coming up, so stayed tuned and keep Living Lean!

Want More Total Body Follow Along Workouts?

Check out my at home, no equipment, follow along, 15 minute bodyweight workout program, Live Lean 15, on our workout app.


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