Stop buying store bought dressing!
Welcome back into our Live Lean kitchen!
Today I’m showing you all the ingredients & steps to make my 3 favorite salad dressing that you can use as a sauce or marinade for basically anything!
Store bought salad dressings often contain unhealthy oils, sugars, and/or preservatives that you don’t want in your body.
I have loved these dressings for years and included them in my Fearless Foodie Cookbook. Check it out here:
We eat salad pretty much every day and these are the dressings we use most.
These are my top 3 favorite go-to dressing recipes.
Blend all ingredients in a blender until creamy
Pour all ingredients into a glass bottle with a lid. Close the lid tight and then shake vigorously till blended. You can also use a blender or just make the dressing directly on top of your salad. 1 serving = 2 Tablespoons
All 3 of these recipes and many more can be found in my Fearless Foodie Cookbook. It’s important to use a healthy cookbook to learn how to make good for you food taste good!
I hope you will enjoy these recipes as much as I do and share this blog with your friends and family.
Thanks for watching today’s episode, keep Living LEAN!
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I love you guys and keep Living Lean.
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