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20 Minute Full Body Circuit Workout For A Lean Physique


No Equipment Bodyweight Circuit

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing a 20 minute full body circuit workout for a lean physique.

This total body workout will put you on the fast track to build muscle, increase strength, and torch fat by cranking up your metabolism.

Get ready to sweat.

You can complete this workout in 20 minutes.


Let’s get into the workout.

20 Minute Full Body Circuit Workout For A Lean Physique

Welcome to the 20 minute lean physique total body workout.


Brad Gouthro, PTS/NWS, host and creator of Live Lean TV, and the #1 expert teaching people all over the world how to Live Lean 365 days a year.

Workout Goals:

This 20 minute workout is designed to focus on:

  • building strength
  • boosting calorie burn
  • burning fat
  • building and stimulating new muscle growth
  • improving power
  • increasing core stability
  • stability
  • creating a more functional, mobile, and injury free body

Required Equipment:

No equipment needed.

A resistance band for the pulling exercise is a nice to have, but optional.

Duration Of The Workout:

  • 20 minutes

Calories Burned During Workout:

Number Of Rounds:

  • Complete 3 rounds of this 5 exercise circuit.


  • Follow the rep counts as indicated below.


  • Take no more than a 30 second break, if needed, between each exercise within the 5 exercise circuit.
  • At the end of the circuit, rest up to 2 minutes if needed, then repeat the circuit for a total of 3 circuits.


This 20 minute workout is comprised of 5 exercises to be completed in circuit format.

Click the links below for the step-by-step exercise demonstrations and cues.

Beginner modifications to certain exercises are also provided below.

A1. Push Up Shoulder Tap

The first exercise is the push up shoulder tap, also know as plank shoulder tap push ups.


  • 10 reps


  • 30 seconds


  • 3 circuits


  • 2011

Coaching cues:

  • The key to this exercise is to ensure you keep all the muscles in your body turned on, including your glutes, hamstrings, and abs.
  • Keeping your muscles firing ensures your hips won’t twist during the shoulder tap.
  • Keep your back as flat as a board.
  • Bend your elbows to lower your body down to just a few inches off the ground.
  • Press your hands through the ground to rise back up to the top of the push up.
  • Once you’re back at the top of the push up, tap each shoulder with the opposite hand.
  • After you complete 10 reps, take a 30 second break, then move on to the next exercise in the circuit.

Beginner Version:

Get down on your knees and complete the push up on knees shoulder tap.

A2. Resistance Band Bent Over Row

The next exercise is the resistance band bent over row.

I’m using a resistance band, as it creates more tension in the muscles, however this is optional.


  • 10 reps


  • 30 seconds


  • 3 circuits


  • 2012

Coaching cues:

  • Since the previous exercise in the circuit was a pushing movement, we’re now going to complete a pulling exercise.
  • Every time you complete the pulling motion, squeeze your lats and back muscles as hard as possible, to create as much tension as you can.
  • After you complete 10 reps, take a 30 second break, then move on to the next exercise in the circuit.

Non-Resistance Band Exercise Modification:

If you don’t have access to a resistance band, you can just complete the bodyweight bent over row.


The key to completing the bent over row with just your bodyweight, is you need to really focus on squeezing and contracting your back muscles with every rep.

A3. Pendulum Lunge

The third exercise in this circuit are pendulum lunges.


  • 8 reps per leg


  • 30 seconds


  • 3 circuits


  • 1010

Coaching cues:

  • Complete a forward lunge then immediately transition into a reverse lunge on the same side.
  • That equals one rep.
  • Complete all the reps on one leg, then switch legs and repeat for the same amount of reps.
  • This is primarily a quadricep dominant exercise, however it also hits the posterior muscles, including your hamstrings and glutes.
  • After you complete 8 reps per side, take a 30 second break, then move on to the next exercise in the circuit.

Beginner Modification:

Simply complete an alternating forward lunge.

You can also add in the alternating reverse lunge during the next round.

Take it at your own pace.

A4. Single Leg Hip Thrust With Arms Elevated

The fourth exercise in this circuit is the single leg hip thrust with arms elevated.

In the video, I incorrectly called this exercise the glute bridge.


  • 8 reps per leg


  • 30 seconds


  • 3 circuits


  • 1012

Coaching cues:

  • This is a hip dominate exercise.
  • It may look easy, but trust me, they will destroy your hamstrings and glutes, in a good way.
  • The key to this exercise is to drive your heel through the ground, rather than having your foot completely flat on the ground.
  • By driving your heel through the ground, it will really ignite and activate your glutes and hamstrings.
  • Every time you thrust up, focus on firing and keeping your glutes and core as tight as possible.
  • By keeping your hands up in the air, it will really ignite your core.
  • If elevating your arms in the air is too difficult, complete the single leg hip thrust with your hands down on the ground for added stability.
  • After you complete 8 reps per side, take a 30 second break, then move on to the next exercise in the circuit.

Beginner Version:

Complete the glute bridge with two feet on the ground.

A5. Forearm Side Plank Reach Under With Bent Knee

The last exercise in this circuit is the forearm side plank reach under with bent knee.


  • 10 reps per side


  • 30 seconds


  • 3 circuits


  • 2011

Coaching cues:

  • This is another core exercise that will help you work on building stability, mobility, flexibility, and create an overall stronger body.
  • While in the forearm side plank position, extend your top arm up to the sky, and bend the knee of your top leg, and keep it up.
  • By keeping your top knee up, it will make it even more difficult.
  • With your top arm, reach under and through your body as you turn on your obliques to maintain your balance.
  • Reverse the movement to extend your arm back up.
  • After you complete 10 reps, take a 30 second break, then move on to the next exercise in the circuit.

Beginner Version:

If this is too difficult for you, complete one of the following beginner progressions with two legs down, or start on your knees:

That’s It For The First Circuit

Take a 2 minute break, then repeat the same circuit for a total of 3 rounds.

Thank you joining me on today’s 20 minute full body circuit workout for a lean physique.

If you enjoyed this workout, be sure to share it with your friends on Twitter and Facebook, and follow me there as well.

Jessica Simpson’s Simple Daily Habit For Weight Loss

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I love filming these episodes for you on our Live Lean TV YouTube channel, so I hope you’re enjoying your Live Lean journey.

I’m so excited for what’s to come in the future.

Thanks so much for joining me, and keep Living Lean.

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Question Of The Day:

  • Did you try this 20 minute full body circuit workout for a lean physique?
  • What type of workout do you want to see next?

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21 responses to “20 Minute Full Body Circuit Workout For A Lean Physique

  1. Great 20 min workout! Easy to do at home in the evening when I missed my
    lunch time workout. Thanks!!

  2. I love these videos Brad! You have really helped me recover from ED. I am
    starting to strengthen my body again and results are amazing!

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