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I Tried The Rock’s Back Workout With My Wife


The Rock’s Back Workout #TeamHercules

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, Jessica and I are taking you into the gym with us to do The Rock’s back workout that he used to transform his physique for his movie role as Hercules.

This #TeamHercules workout is awesome.

Let’s go.

The Rock’s Back Workout

Type Of Workout:

  • Straight sets

Straight sets means you’ll complete all the reps and sets of one exercise before moving on to the next.


Total Time:

  • Approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes

Although the rest periods and tempos were not provided, based on taking a 60 second rest between sets, and approximately 4 seconds to complete a rep, The Rock’s back workout should take you approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete.


  • 3-4 sets per exercise

See below for the exact number of sets to complete per exercise.


  • 60 seconds between sets and exercises (our recommendation)

As mentioned earlier, the rest periods were not provided for The Rock’s back workout.

However, since I was working out with Jessica, we took turns resting for approximately 60 seconds, while the other person completed the exercise.

The Rock’s Back Workout Exercises:

Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise from The Rock’s back workout.

A. Pull Up

Reps: to failure

Rest: 60 seconds (our recommendation)

Sets: 4

Tempo: 2010 (our recommendation)

Notes: if you struggle with the traditional palms facing away pull up grip, you can also try the neutral grip pull up like Jessica did here.

B. Dumbbell One Arm Row

Reps: 12-10-8-8

Rest: 60 seconds (our recommendation)

Sets: 4

Tempo: 3010 (our recommendation)

C. Two Arm Machine Seated Row

Reps: 10

Rest: 60 seconds (our recommendation)

Sets: 4

Tempo: 3010 (our recommendation)

Notes: this exercise was referred to as the hammer strength two arm row. However, if you don’t have access to the hammer strength brand of equipment, use any seated row machine. You can also use a two arm overhand grip like I did in the video, or a two arm palms facing in grip like Jessica did here.

D. Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown

Reps: 12

Rest: 60 seconds (our recommendation)

Sets: 3

Tempo: 3010 (our recommendation)

Notes: in the video, this exercise was referred to as the close grip pulldown. It’s the same exercise, but it’s sometimes called different names.

E. Neutral Grip Seated Cable Row

Reps: 12

Rest: 60 seconds (our recommendation)


Sets: 3

Tempo: 3010 (our recommendation)

Notes: complete a double drop set on every set.

F1. Standing Cable Rope Pullover

Reps: 15

Rest: 0 seconds

Sets: 3

Tempo: 2011 (our recommendation)

Notes: in the video we did the lying cable rope pullover, however I think it was supposed to be the standing cable rope pullover. Superset this with the standing cable face pull with external rotation.

F2. Standing Cable Face Pull With External Rotation

Reps: 15

Rest: 60 seconds

Sets: 3

Tempo: 2011 (our recommendation)

Notes: in the video, this was referred to as high rope rows, which is the same exercise.

G. Standing Dumbbell Shrug

Reps: 12

Rest: 60 seconds

Sets: 4

Tempo: 2011 (our recommendation)

Notes: 15 second isometric hold on last rep of each set.

There you have it Live Lean Nation.

That Was The Rock’s Back Workout

This workout will kick your butt in the gym.

Thanks again to my homie, The Rock for sharing his intense back workout to get ready for his role in the Hercules movie #TeamHercules.

He is the man.

Go check out his Hercules movie here.

Now it’s time to get some ice cream 😝.

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Did you enjoy the The Rock’s Back Workout?

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Today’s Question Of The Day:

  • Do you like The Rock? 
  • Did you see his movie, Hercules?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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27 responses to “I Tried The Rock’s Back Workout With My Wife

  1. Man this whole team Hercules workout feels great, but those laying down
    pullovers don’t those work on triceps?

  2. Man this whole team Hercules workout feels great, but those laying down
    pullovers don’t those work on triceps?

  3. Is this what the rock does as a workout? Wow. Guess you can do just about
    any old nonsense if your on cell tech.

  4. Brad – Great video. I actually did this workout yesterday. Unfortunately I
    didn’t watch this video first and I did the high rope pull incorrectly…
    Any chance you will post the other #teamhercules workouts?

  5. Been wondering, I feel it more in my pectoralis muscles if I use the cables
    vs the bench press incline or decline even the dumbells I feel these
    exercises in my shoulders, can I just do cables and still gain the benifits
    of shaping my chest like yours or still do both cables and bench

  6. Hey Brad, how long do you guys rest? Can you provide us with more details?
    Thanks for sharing!

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