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4 Reasons Why The Paleo Diet Works For People Who Workout


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The Paleo Diet – 4 Reasons It’s Perfect For People That Workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing 4 reasons why the paleo diet works for people who workout.

Before we get started, tell me in the comment section below, have you ever tried or followed the paleo diet?

Why The Paleo Diet Works For Fitness Enthusiasts & Athletes

Over 2 years ago, I switched to the paleo diet because my energy levels were like a rollercoaster, and I was always freaking hungry.


Today my energy levels are as high as ever.

If you don’t know what the paleo diet is, click right here for my paleo diet 101 for beginners episode.

The Paleo Diet Explained For Beginners

Now when it comes to the paleo diet, I know what you’re thinking.

“But bro, if you don’t eat bread, where do you get your energy from for the gym?”.


“What about my muscle gains bro, how can I lift heavy weights without my carbs?”.

4 Reasons Why The Paleo Diet Is Perfect For People That Workout

Here are your 4 reasons why the paleo diet is perfect for people that workout.

#1. The Paleo Diet Optimally Builds And Repairs Muscle

The paleo diet focuses on animal protein sources that are rich in BCAAs, such as:

BCAAs, also known as branch-chained amino acids, are comprised of the following essential amino acids:

  • Leucine
  • Isoleucine
  • Valine
Do You Need To Supplement With BCAAs? (ARE BCAAS GOOD FOR YOU?)

These 3 essential amino acids that make up BCAAs are critical when it comes to building and repairing muscles, especially within the 30 minute post-workout window.

And don’t forget, your tough workouts actually breakdown muscles during the workout.

It’s the job of your diet, specifically a diet high in animal protein for the BCAAs, to switch your body from a catabolic muscle breakdown state, into an anabolic and growth state, after your workout.

This will help you recover faster, and come back bigger and stronger for your next workout.

Key point: To optimally build muscle, your body needs sufficient sources of protein, high in BCAAs.

#2. The Paleo Diet Provides Just Enough Fuel For High Performance

When most people think of the paleo diet, they think it means zero carbohydrates.

When it comes to being active and Living Lean, there’s no denying that consuming the right quantity and right type of carbohydrates after a workout, is very beneficial for most people.

Why Carbs Are Required Post Workout...Or Are They?

This is because after a workout the sugar is more likely being stored in the muscle tissue as glycogen, and helps increase performance and recovery.

A few of my favorite post workout carbohydrates are sweet potatoes and bananas.

Unfortunately many people who workout, take their carbohydrate consumption to the extreme, by focusing the majority of their calories on high carbohydrate foods, such:

  • bread
  • bagels
  • cereal

They also eat these high carbohydrate foods at every meal, every day of the week.

This overconsumption of carbohydrates potentially causes the spill over of sugar into fat cells.

How To Become A Fat Burning Machine

In addition to this, the calories from these low quality and high carbohydrate foods typically replaces healthy calories from:

Key point: To increase performance, your body needs the right types of carbohydrates, in the right quantities, at the right time.

#3. The Paleo Diet Promotes Alkalinity Within The Body

Did you know that working out actually puts your body in an acidic state due to the by-products created through exercise?

When your body is acidic, it naturally neutralizes the acidity by breaking down muscle tissue.

Not good.

This makes it even more important for people who workout to be eating more alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables.

Does Eating Alkaline Foods vs Acidic Foods Affect Your Health?

Eating a high amount of vegetables, and some fruit, is a pillar of the paleo diet.

If this whole acidic vs alkaline talk is confusing, let me simplify it.


After digestion, foods in the body become either acidic or alkaline.

Many non-paleo foods such as grains, dairy, and processed foods are very acidic.

Why The Paleo Diet Does Not Include Oats, Beans, And Dairy

The paleo diet replaces those lower quality acidic foods, with loads of alkaline foods in the form of fruits and vegetables.

Key point: To optimally build muscle, make sure your body is in an alkaline state by eating lots of vegetables, and some fruits, with your animal protein.

Let’s move on to the final reason.

#4. The Paleo Diet Boosts Your Immune System

The paleo diet boosts your immune system because it’s rich in:

  • vitamins
  • minerals
  • antioxidants
  • phytochemicals

All these nutrients create an optimal immune system.

A strong immune system is important to Living Lean because you can’t train hard in the gym, when you’re sick all the time.

Since adopting the paleo diet, I’m rarely sick.

I get most of my vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from eating loads of vegetables and some fruit, as well as my zinc and B vitamins from meat.

Non-paleo processed foods are low quality sources of these immune boosting nutrients, thus making it hard for people to fight off the common cold.

Key point: eating plants and animals is nature’s multivitamin.

Bottom Line On Why The Paleo Diet Works For People Who Workout

There are your 4 reasons why the paleo diet works for people who workout.

To recap, the paleo diet helps:

  • speed up recovery and builds muscle
  • gives you the right amount of energy
  • alkalizes your body
  • provide you with all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need to Live Lean

Turn On Your Body’s Fat Burning Switch With My Paleo Cookbook System

If you’re confused at what breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks to eat, go check out my Eat Clean Live Lean paleo cookbook for over 200 quick, healthy, easy, affordable, and delicious paleo recipes.

You’ll also get an 8 week meal plan and grocery lists to supercharge your results faster.

Live Lean Cookbook iPad

You can find it all right here.

It’s amazing how tasty snacks and meals can be when using all real healthy ingredients.

I pity those “dieters” who are ruining their sustainable chances of Living Lean by eating boring foods.

Click here to get over 200 quick, healthy, easy, affordable and delicious recipes.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

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Questions Of The Day:

  • Have you ever tried or followed the paleo diet?
  • Are you currently paleo? If not, are you willing to give it a try?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

31 responses to “4 Reasons Why The Paleo Diet Works For People Who Workout

  1. Thanks a lot for sharing such a great piece of article! I found it a good helpful write-up with a good sound and explanation. Here I have seen some valuable ideas that are definitely helpful for every fitness enthusiast. Please keep sharing more updates!

  2. Check this out… over 370 delicious and simple paleo recipes makes it easy
    to satisfy your appetite & stay healthy.

  3. yes i tried it and it didn’t worked for me, i just didn’t lost any fat
    and energy level didn’t change

  4. Brad, i tried the first paleo thx to Your chelange a year ago.
    Im still doing month on strick paleo – when im doing cuting, or when i wish
    to clean the system.
    I feel no need to live paleo 365d a year, as i do a plenty of cardio and
    crossfit – and i love taste of bad food 😉 But for sure its best diet ever.

  5. i’ve been on paleo for about 7 years now and energy comes from increased
    neurotransmitters not just carbs and fat, paleo diet maximizes output of
    these energizing neurotransmitters .

  6. I do for the most part. The bulk of my diet is Paleo, with the philosophy
    of earning your carbs and the right carbs at the right time. I eat all
    kinds of diets though. Being tied to one diet I feel can limit the body of
    variety. So mostly Paleo, but I mix in other foods as well. Gotta keep
    variety in your fitness and diet. Keep the body guessing. Thanks for the

  7. When I started paleo it took me a couple weeks before I started feeling the
    benefits from it! To be honest I don’t actually know why I stopped paleo I
    was so lean on it! Probably because I was eating the same foods over n

  8. vegetables, greens and fruits are alkaline food. But meat, fish, eggs and
    dairy are acidic food. And, a lot of protein can cause problems with the
    liver, because it has to remove metabolic by-products of protein (such as

  9. I started my Paleo-Lite diet about 3-4 months ago, after discovering your channel. I still do have organic Greek yogurt in my diet (the one with 12 cultures and low sugar), 2-3 times a week, though. I’m 32 and for years I was “skinny fat.” A year ago, I began my fitness journey by taking HIIT, yoga and Bootcamp-style classes at a gym, 2-3 times a week. When I stumbled upon your channel 3-4 months ago, it took my journey to an entirely different level. I feel even stronger and healthier. I’ve been told many times that I “look like a trainer.” My favorite compliment! Very proud of how far I’ve come and I’m deeply appreciative of your channel – it makes me feel like I’m not the only one passionate about living life lean.

    But I digress – I recently had bloodwork done and my results confirmed that the Paleo way of life is indeed for me. All of my levels (including cholesterol HDL/LDL, glucose, calcium, etc) were all on point. I don’t know why this diet gets such a bad rap! I do switch things up with protein sources – so for instance, for the past 3 weeks, I have eaten red meat just a handful of times. I have been sticking with eggs, whey, fish, and chicken. Later this week, I’ll reintroduce beef on a weekly basis with a nice steak for my New Years Eve meal. Always challenging my body and switching things up!

    Anyway, sorry for rambling! Thanks again for your vids – they keep me motivated!

  10. I would say I am moving toward being 70% paleo, definitely feel the benefit. Still like yoghurt, rice and white potatoes here and there though :/

  11. Hi Brad. Thanks for a great video. Any thoughts about vegetarians and/or
    vegans doing the Paleo diet? Using soy based proteins? Let me know your
    thoughts! Thx bro.

  12. Hey i bulked like for 2months now and im currently at like 11-12 bf% And i
    want to get lean again and start cutting do you have some tips for me for
    my diet?

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