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The Ultimate Back Squat Workout Routine Challenge


Ignite The Fat Burning Hormones With This Leg Day Workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m taking you into the gym and sharing the Ultimate Back Squat workout routine challenge.

It’s my favorite training day of the week.

Once again, it’s leg day.

But you may think, since it’s leg day, we’re going to do the typical 4-5 leg exercises for 12 reps.


Nope, not when you’re training with me, and not when you’re looking to Live Lean and sexy 365 days a year.

Does The Sound Of Leg Day Scare You?

The Ultimate Back Squat Workout Routine Challenge

Good, because I’m going to take you through a squat workout that will stimulate new muscle growth and more fat burning.

We’re going to accomplish this by incorporating the v-word: Variety.

If you always do squats on leg day, adding variety to your workouts doesn’t mean you have to stop doing them.

Even minor changes to your squat workout can create new stimulus.

New grip placements, foot placement, and angles are all easy ways to add more variety to your leg workouts.

It’s important to keep switching things up, and that is what we’re going to do with the Ultimate Back Squat workout challenge.

Adding More Variety To Your Workouts Also Reduces The Risk Of Injuries

Not only is variety is great for new gains, it’s also important in reducing injuries.

Think carpel tunnel syndrome.

Doing the same thing over and over again can create unnecessary stress on the body.

This also applies to completing the same workouts, over and over again.

This happens a lot with bicep tendinitis because people don’t know how to vary their bicep workouts.

Well this won’t be a problem for you anymore.

Welcome To The Ultimate Back Squat Workout Routine Challenge

I am so excited for you to try this workout because it is going to dominate your legs.

In this squat workout routine, you’re going to be using 3 variations of the barbell back squat.

Each squat variation is going to have different:

  • Foot placements, including a unique variation with elevated heels
  • Grip placements

It will also be very different than what you have ever done before.

Trust me, the fat burning hormones are going to be pumping throughout your body.

Here’s how the 9 set ultimate back squat workout routine challenge is structured.

Total time:

20 minutes.

Type of workout:

You will complete 9 sets comprised of 3 different variations of the barbell back squat.

Yes, I said 9 sets, so get ready because this is a badass workout.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

Set #1: Barbell Back Squat

Reps: 6

Tempo: 3011

Rest: 90 seconds

Sets: 1

Coaching cues: for the first set of the barbell back squat, take a regular hip width medium stance, as well as gripping the barbell with a medium grip, with elbows underneath the bar. Complete 6 reps, then rack up the bar and take a 90 second break.

Set #2: Barbell Back Squat With Wide Stance And Grip

Reps: 6


Tempo: 3011

Rest: 90 seconds

Sets: 1

Coaching cues: after the 90 second break, jump right back into it and get focused. However, as you saw in the video, if IFBB Pro Santana Anderson comes over to chat with you, you can extend your rest period 😂. The next barbell back squat variation is going to be a little bit different, as you will take a very wide stance, wider than shoulder width. You’ll also take a wide grip of the barbell with your hands placed against the collars of the barbell. Complete another 6 reps. Awesome work at squeezing those last few reps out. Rack the bar, take another 90 second break, then get ready to come back for more.

Set #3: Barbell Cyclist Back Squat

Reps: 6

Tempo: 3011

Rest: 90 seconds

Sets: 1

Coaching cues: alright for set 3 you will complete the third variation of the squat called the barbell cyclist back squat. Pay attention to the feet placement as you will elevate your heels at approximately 6 inches of incline. I recommend you use a 6 inch wedge board if you have access to it. But if you don’t have a wedge board, you can stack 3 x 10 pound plates on top of each other to create the 6 inch incline. Also keep your feet approximately 4 inches apart. The barbell cyclist back squat really targets the tear drop, inside of your quadriceps, also known as the VMO. After completing 6 reps, take a 90 second break.

Set #4: Barbell Back Squat

Reps: 8

Tempo: 3011

Rest: 90 seconds

Sets: 1

Coaching cues: we’re now moving onto the fourth set of squats. For this set, you’ll go back to the first squat variation, the barbell back squat with a regular hip width medium stance and grip. But this time, you’ll complete 8 reps, with a 90 second break.

Set #5: Barbell Back Squat With Wide Stance And Grip

Reps: 8

Tempo: 3011

Rest: 90 seconds

Sets: 1

Coaching cues: now you’re going to move into another set of the barbell back squat with wide stance and grip for 8 more reps. Keep it going. This is going to be an incredible workout for your quadriceps.

Set #6: Barbell Cyclist Back Squat

Reps: 8

Tempo: 3011

Rest: 90 seconds

Sets: 1

Coaching cues: for the sixth set, you’ll complete 8 reps of the barbell cyclist back squat. Oh yeah, let’s do this.

Set #7: Barbell Back Squat

Reps: 12

Tempo: 3011

Rest: 90 seconds

Sets: 1

Coaching cues: for set number seven, go back to the regular medium stance medium grip barbell back squat, but this time you’ll complete 12 reps. Keep it going, embrace the sweat, and get low while focusing on completing every rep with proper form.

Set #8: Barbell Back Squat With Wide Stance And Grip

Reps: 12

Tempo: 3011

Rest: 90 seconds

Sets: 1

Coaching cues: set number eight is up next. Use a wide stance with wide grip for 12 more reps. Let’s do it.

Set #9: Barbell Cyclist Back Squat

Reps: 20

Tempo: 3011

Rest: 90 seconds

Sets: 1

Coaching cues: alright for the ninth and final set, you’ll go back to the cyclist squat. But you may be thinking you’ll complete 12 reps right? Nope, not when you’re training with me. For the last set you’ll be going for 20 reps. This is the final burn for your final exercise. Keep it going while focusing on getting as low as possible, feel the stretch, and embrace the burn. Let’s do it.

Cool Down 1: Bike (not HIIT sprints)

Duration: 5 minutes of steady pace pedaling on a bike.

Sets: 1

Coaching cues: Alright do yourself a favor and cool down by pedaling on a bike for a few minutes to get some of the lactic acid out of your legs.

Cool Down 2: Foam Roller IT Band

Reps: 2 minutes per side

Sets: 1

Coaching cues: after pedaling for 5 minutes, go grab a foam roller, start finding those trigger points, and start rolling it out. This will do you good.

That’s it.

Welcome to new gains you thought were impossible.

Keep Living Lean, 365.

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Question For You:

  • How did you feel the following days after this squat workout challenge?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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25 responses to “The Ultimate Back Squat Workout Routine Challenge

  1. with that amount of sets (volume) you’ll be lifting less weight than your typical 8 rep max, but push yourself!

  2. Thanks. I will message you soon on your website because I just want my kfc legs to get size if I can choose one body part to get bigger. I just don’t want to lose what 6 pack that I have in order to achieve this. Great videos.

  3. this workout is awesome for your quads. i find the narrower your keep your stance, the more it hits your quads.

  4. this workout is awesome for your quads. i find the narrower your keep your stance, the more it hits your quads.

  5. Hi Brad, Did the work out yesterday (Except the last 20 reps, i was done for by then) and man can I feel it today!

    Should I also have included some hamstring exercises?

    Thanks and keep up the excellent work.

  6. Wow,thanks for another great video Brad!

  7. I like when you show exactly how I should do this and I think that yours personal videos from gym are very cool and motivating 😉

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