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15 Minute No Equipment Full Body Workout At Home


The Ultimate No Repeat Bodyweight Home Workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing a 15 minute no equipment full body workout at home, with no repeat exercises.

Even though this is an all bodyweight workout, we’re not taking any easy shortcuts.

Since it’s only 15 minutes of training, we’re keeping the rest periods short and the intensity high.

There are also no repeat exercises, as each movement gets progressively harder as the rounds progress.

In other words, this bodyweight home workout is designed to get you results.

15 Minute Follow Along Bodyweight Workout Circuit

Is It Too Cold Outside To Workout?

When it gets too cold to go outside, even to drive to the gym, it does not give you an excuse not to workout.

Since this workout is all bodyweight only, it makes it the ultimate cold weather workout.

This no equipment workout proves that you can still get an awesome workout without using weights, in the comfort of your own home.

Welcome To The Live Lean 15 Belly Fat Extinguisher Workout

This follow along video is 1 of the 7 no equipment workouts from my best selling Live Lean 15 follow along workout video program.

This home bodyweight workout is structured into 3 different rounds.

First Round: Starter Round

  • Number of exercises: 5 exercise circuit
  • Reps: 35 seconds of work
  • Rest: 20 second break
  • Sets: 1

The goal of the starter round is to elevate your heart rate and get your body and joints warmed up.

After the starter round is completed, you’ll move on to the harder rounds, where the intensity of the workout gets kicked up, and the exercises get progressively more challenging via:

  • More advanced exercise progressions
  • Rep times go up
  • Rest breaks go down

If you’re a beginner, you can stay with the exercises, reps, and rest periods from the starter round, for all 3 rounds.

It’s important to push yourself, but for safety, it’s also important to work within your current fitness level.

Let’s get ready to go.

Starter Round Exercises:

These A1-A5 starter round exercises may seem basic, but be prepared as the exercise intensity increases during the next rounds of the workout.

A1. Push Up

Beginner Modification: Push Up On Knees

  • Reps: 35 seconds of work
  • Rest: 20 second break
  • Sets: 1

Coaching cues:

  • To get the maximum benefit from the push up and contract more muscle fibers in the chest, focus on pushing the floor away from you with power, rather than thinking about pushing your body up.
  • Make sure you are breathing properly, by inhaling while lowering, and exhaling while rising back up.
  • Keep your core tight.
  • If you can’t complete the push up for the full 35 seconds, rather than stopping, simply drop to your knees and finish the set doing the push up on knees.

A2. Reverse Lunge

  • Reps: 35 seconds of work
  • Rest: 20 second break
  • Sets: 1

A3. Speed Skater With Reach

  • Reps: 35 seconds of work
  • Rest: 20 second break
  • Sets: 1

A4. Air Squats

  • Reps: 35 seconds of work
  • Rest: 20 second break
  • Sets: 1

Coaching cues:

  • Do not go up on your tip toes. Focus on keeping the pressure on the entire platform of your feet, especially your heels.
  • Create tension in your leg muscles by focusing on pressing the floor away from you when standing back up.
  • Breath in when lowering, then breath out when rising back up.

A5. Forearm Plank

  • Reps: 35 seconds of work
  • Rest: 20 second break
  • Sets: 1

That was the first starter round exercise circuit.

Take a 30 second break, then move into the hyperdrive round.

Second Round: Hyperdrive Round

During the hyperdrive round, it’s time to kick it up by increasing the duration of reps, decreasing the rest period, and increasing the challenge of the exercises.

  • Number of exercises: 5 exercise circuit
  • Reps: 40 seconds of work
  • Rest: 15 second break
  • Sets: 1

B1. Spiderman Push Ups

  • Reps: 40 seconds of work
  • Rest: 15 second break
  • Sets: 1

Coaching cues:

  • If you try it out, but it’s too difficult, or you can’t complete it for the entire 40 seconds, go back to the standard push up that you completed in the starter round. This is all about progression.
  • Not only does this target the chest, this exercise also targets the obliques, and helps work on balance.
  • Remember to create tension by focusing on pushing the floor away from you.

B2. Alternating Reverse Lunge With Knee Drive

  • Reps: 40 seconds of work
  • Rest: 15 second break
  • Sets: 1

Coaching cues:

  • If the knee drive is too hard to balance, go back to the completing the reverse lunge from the starter round.
  • Don’t sit on the sidelines because you can’t do these exercise progressions. It’s important to work within your current fitness capabilities, make every rep count, then progress with your next workout.

B3. Speed Skater With Reach And Hops

  • Reps: 40 seconds of work
  • Rest: 15 second break
  • Sets: 1

Coaching cues:

  • In the follow along workout video, I was tapping my foot with the hand on the same side as my leg, which was the wrong arm. Make sure you tap your foot with the opposite arm.
  • If you mess up or lose your balance, forget about it and keep going.
  • Try to keep progressing the length of your lateral jumps so you are jumping further a part each rep.

B4. Jump Squat

  • Reps: 40 seconds of work
  • Rest: 15 second break
  • Sets: 1

Coaching cues:

  • Focus on landing softly, with your knees already slightly bent. Landing with stiff legs will be too hard on your joints.
  • A rest break is coming soon, so be sure to give it your all.
  • When you start to feel the lactic acid burn in your legs, you’ll probably want to stop. But remember, the lactic acid is your friend. It helps get all the fat burning and muscle building hormones running throughout your body.
  • In other words, you should want to feel the lactic acid, especially since the workout is only 15 minutes. You can push through it, so keep going.

B5. Body Saw Forearm Plank

  • Reps: 40 seconds of work
  • Rest: 15 second break
  • Sets: 1

Good job, that is the end of the hyperdrive round exercise circuit.

Take a 25 second rest before moving on to the scorcher round.

Third Round: Scorcher Round

I told you the proceeding rounds would be more difficult.

Even though the reps and rest duration stays the same as the hyperdrive round, the exercises will continue to advance in progression.

Trust me, the body fat is being extinguished as we go.

  • Number of exercises: 5 exercise circuit
  • Reps: 40 seconds of work
  • Rest: 15 second break
  • Sets: 1

C1. Plyometric Push Up

  • Reps: 40 seconds of work
  • Rest: 15 second break
  • Sets: 1

Coaching cues:

  • If this push up variation is too difficult, or you can’t complete it for the entire 40 seconds, go back to the push up that you completed in the previous round.
  • When you land with your elbows already slightly bent, while immediately lowering into the push up, all the tension will go to the muscles, not your joints.
  • If you need to take a break to wipe the sweat off your face, do it. It’s all good.

C2. Alternating Reverse Lunge With Knee Drive Jump

  • Reps: 40 seconds of work
  • Rest: 15 second break
  • Sets: 1

Coaching cues:

  • Since the body is doing a lot of things at one time, this move requires coordination, balance, and also helps to workout your brain.
  • Not only are you getting leaner, you’re also getting smarter.
  • This coordination will also help improve your dance skills at the clubs 😉

C3. Speed Skater With Push Up Burpee

  • Reps: 40 seconds of work
  • Rest: 15 second break
  • Sets: 1

Coaching cues:

C4. Hulk Super Leap

  • Reps: 40 seconds of work
  • Rest: 15 second break
  • Sets: 1

Coaching cues:

  • Since you’re probably at home, where no one is watching you, give me a few growls.
  • Be nice and easy on your joints by landing in an already lowered positioned.
  • If you need to take a quick breath, do it, then jump back into your reps. Don’t give up.

C5. Straight Arm Plank To Forearm Plank

  • Reps: 40 seconds of work
  • Rest: 15 second break
  • Sets: 1

Coaching cues:

  • If you can’t do this for the entire duration of the set, go for as long as you can, then without stopping, regress the movement by completing one of the plank variations from the previous two rounds.
  • Ensure you are using proper form, then lock it in. Bad form is not acceptable.

That was the scorcher round.

Awesome work, you are killing it.

Take a 25 second break, get a quick drink of water, and get ready because the 45 second torcher round is coming up next.

Last Round: Torcher Round

  • Number of exercises: 3 exercise circuit
  • Reps: 15 seconds of work
  • Rest: 0 second break
  • Sets: 1

It’s time to go all out for the last 45 seconds, with no breaks.

D1. Rotating Fast Feet Exercise Drill

Reps: 15 seconds of work
Rest: 0 second break
Sets: 1

D2. Mountain Climbers

Reps: 15 seconds of work
Rest: 0 second break
Sets: 1

D3. Around The World 180 Degree Jump Squat Floor Tap

You Are Done!

That was the 15 minute Belly Fat Extinguisher Workout from our no equipment Live Lean 15 follow along workout video program.

Hopefully you are dripping in sweat and enjoyed getting your butt kicked with that workout in just 15 minutes.

Make sure you go and drink a lot of water to recover.

Welcome To Live Lean 15

You’ll get access to all 7 follow along workout videos, the Live Lean 15 Program Manual, and the Nutrition Information Guide instantly, when you buy the Live Lean 15 program.

Get Live Lean 15 now here.


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13 responses to “15 Minute No Equipment Full Body Workout At Home

  1. Man, this really awesome. “Damn! That looks good” I only survived till half
    way on this video. These exercise really awesome which can make me sweat
    through my pants in this winter. Keep going man!!!

  2. Is it possible to increase muscle and mass with body weight training only?
    or you just will be more shapely and leaner? and should i do bodyweight
    exercises fast and many or slowly and only a certain amount? #AskBGTV

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