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8 Worst Drinks For Weight Loss


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Stop Consuming These 8 Fattening Drinks

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m talking about the 8 worst drinks for weight loss.

If your goal is weight loss, one of the most simple ways to cut the amount of calories you’re consuming, is this.

Stop drinking your calories.


I want you to save your calories for nutrient-rich and satiating whole foods.

Let me be as clear as possible with this.

You are ruining your weight loss efforts by drinking sugar infused empty calories.

Here’s Why Consuming Sugar Is Making You Hungrier

Does Sugar Make You Fat?

I call sugar filled drinks empty calories, because not only are they not filling you up like a solid meal would, they’re probably making you hungrier.

Here’s why:

  1. The sugar quickly enters your bloodstream.
  2. Then the fat storing hormone insulin comes to save the day by quickly removing the sugar from your bloodstream.
  3. Then your blood sugar crashes.
  4. Not only does this make you feel tired and sluggish, it creates even more hunger, since you need to raise your blood sugar back up again.
  5. Ultimately, this leads you to crave more sugar.

See how this is a continuous dangerous cycle?

The scary thing is, sometimes we think we’re being healthy as the worst drinks for weight loss are often disguised as “healthy options”.

8 Worst Drinks For Weight Loss

Here are 8 examples of the worst drinks for weight loss.

#1. Smoothies

When you hear the word “Smoothie”, most of us instantly think it’s going to be healthy, like this Break The Fast Superfood Smoothie.

However, you need to be aware.

Not all smoothies are created equal.

As always, anytime you’re buying food or drinks from a store, read the ingredients.

More often than not, smoothies are filled with sugar.

This sugar can come from using:

  • fruit juice
  • ice cream
  • yogurt
  • sweeteners

If a smoothie includes any of these sugar filled ingredients, avoid it.

In fact, some smoothies can actually be over 1,000 calories, which will surely blow out your calorie requirements for the day.

If you are going to use a smoothie as a meal replacement, always ask for your smoothie to be made with one of the following low calorie liquids:

Then simply add berries and protein powder.

That’s it, you are done.

#2. Coffee And Tea

Coffee vs Tea: Is Coffee Healthy For You?

When did good old coffee and tea become a sugary dessert?

You know the crazy concoctions made at your favorite coffee shop.

The frappuccino, latte, mocha, cappuccino, whipped with a whole side of blubber.

If your coffee is black, you’re safe.

You are also safe if you add the following ingredients to your coffee:

Go back to how coffee and tea were intended to be consumed.

#3. Iced Tea

How To Make Sugar Free Iced Tea At Home With Tea Bags

Look at the ingredients on the bottle or can of iced tea, before you chug it down.

More than likely, what should be an antioxidant rich, refreshing, and healthy zero calorie drink, is probably sweetened with a whole lot of sugar and calories.


Use this recipe to make your own iced tea at home by adding your favorite tea bags to some iced water.


#4. Soda

diet soda vs regular soda vs stevia soda

Do I even have to go here?

If you’re a soda-aholic, admit it, and slowly ween yourself off of it, by cutting back on 1 serving every 3 days.

I’ve seen amazing weight loss stories from people who did nothing else but cut out soda.

Yes, this includes diet soda too.

Studies are showing consuming artificially sweetened diet soda may actually increase your hunger.

Stop drinking soda, right now.

#5. Energy Drinks

Food Wars: Energy Drinks [My Dirty Little Secret]

Energy drinks are the new soda of the next generation.

Why does something with so much caffeine, also need that much sugar.

In a lot of cases, energy drinks have more sugar than soda.

#6. Flavored Vitamin Water

Which water is healthier LLTV thumbnail Food Wars

Vitamin water is a bad one that many weight loss goer’s are confused with.

Next time you pick up a bottle of vitamin water, read the nutrition label.

If your vitamin water is flavored with sugar, put it back.

In many cases, vitamin water can have as much sugar as soda.

Opt for pure water, and simply flavor it with lemon or lime juice.

This lemon water is delicious.

#7. Fruit Juice

Can Fruit Make You Fat?

The old school may freak out at this, but drinking a lot of fruit juice will not help you lose weight.

Fruit juice contains a lot of sugar and should not be consumed by people looking to lose weight.

Even though the sugar comes from fruit, all the fiber has been removed, thus as explained earlier, the sugar quickly enters the bloodstream and creates the chaotic blood sugar rollercoaster.

If you like fruit juice, stick to a juicy whole fruit, or blend up the whole fruit with water, to make a smoothie.

Let’s move on to the last one.

#8. Alcohol

Which Alcohol Is Good For Weight Loss?

Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram.

In addition to this, the body burns the calories from alcohol first, thus leaving the calories from other food sources to be stored.

Plus, let’s be real.

The drinks you are mixing with the alcohol have probably been listed earlier, as one of the worst drinks for weight loss.

Also, the foods you’re eating while drinking the alcohol, are probably not weight loss approved either.

Be smart.

Bottom Line Live Lean Nation

The drinks you are consuming have a huge impact on your weight loss journey.

You will see tremendous weight loss results by simply focusing the majority of your liquid consumption on:

  • water
  • black coffee
  • tea

This doesn’t mean you can never have another drink of juice during your weight loss journey.

It just means the things you do most of the time, have the greatest impact on your results.

If you drink a lot of water, and a little bit of fruit juice, you can still make an impact.

There you have it Live Lean Nation.

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Live Lean Starter Guide

If you’re looking for quick, healthy, easy, affordable, and delicious recipes, and want to start Living Lean forever, I created a free 7 Day Live Lean Starter Guide showing you how to start Living Lean in 7 days or less.

The 7 Day Live Lean Starter Guide includes a free:

  • Hot Body Workout program
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    • Including cooking lesson recipe videos for every meal

I want to show you all the value and support our Team Live Lean inner circle members receive from us every single week and month from us.

We want you to enjoy our team, so go download the free 7 Day Live Lean Starter Guide here.

I hope to see you on the inside.

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Keep Living Lean.


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Question Of The Day:

  • How many of these 8 worst drinks for weight loss do you consume?
  • Which drink surprised you the most?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

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