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15 Minute TRX Training Workout For Beginners


7 best TRX exercises: TRX training workout for beginners

In this episode of Live Lean TV, I take you through a TRX training workout for beginners in beautiful Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

If you don’t know what a TRX is, it’s a great piece of training equipment that I recommend everyone use.

The TRX is mobile, easy to use, and gives you an incredible functional workout.

And when you compare the cost of the TRX to a gym membership, it’s highly affordable if you prefer to workout at home or workout outdoors.

Also, if you travel a lot, simply pack the TRX in your bag so you can get a killer workout that will sculpt your body while on the road.


TRX Training Workout Video

Another great thing about the TRX suspension trainer is it’s great for full body workouts.

Even though you only use your bodyweight, the instability of the TRX suspension trainer also requires you strengthen your core to properly stabilize your body during the TRX exercises.

Not only does this allow you to get a great full body workout, you’ll also get an awesome core workout, every time.

The following 15 Minute TRX training workout for beginners hits your full body, especially the chest, glutes, quads, hamstrings, biceps, triceps, and core.


15 Minute TRX training workout for beginners

Here’s how this 15 minute TRX training workout for beginners is structured:

Total time:

15 minutes.

Type of workout:

HIIT circuit training: complete one exercise after the other.

Number of Circuits:

3 total circuits.


  • No breaks between exercises to keep the heart rate elevated. You should feel winded.
  • Take as little of a break as you can after each circuit.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

Really focus on contracting your core during every rep of every exercise.

TRX Exercises:

A1. TRX Squat

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: as little rest as possible


Coaching cues: Sit back as if you’re taking a seat in a chair, then press up through your heels rather than pulling yourself up with the TRX. Focus on using the muscles in the legs and your glutes to stand up, not your back muscles. At the bottom of the squat your knees should be bent at approximately a 90 degree angle.

A2. TRX Squat Row

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: as little rest as possible


Coaching cues: Take a deeper squat, then pull up with the muscles in your upper back, and squeeze your shoulder blades together as you stand.

A3. TRX Single Leg Squat

Reps: 10 reps/leg

Rest: as little rest as possible


Coaching cues: An excellent exercise that only uses one leg at a time. Stand on one leg with the other leg pointing in front of your body. Squat down, then press through the heels to stand back up. Ensure you keep your core engaged throughout the exercise to stabilize your body. You’ll really feel this in your glutes and legs.

A4. TRX Chest Press

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: as little rest as possible



Coaching cues: The further back your legs are, the more difficult this TRX chest press is. Ensure you keep your body straight and at a forward angle, similar to an incline push up. Remember to keep your core contracted and really initiate the movement with your pecs.

A5. TRX Tricep Extension

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: as little rest as possible


Coaching cues: Remember, the further back your legs are, the more difficult this TRX tricep extension is.

A6. TRX Bicep Curl

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: as little rest as possible


Coaching cues: Keep your elbows high, then initiate the curl by contracting your biceps hard.

A7. TRX Forearm Plank

Reps: till failure

Rest: as little rest as possible


Coaching cues: lets finish off this full body workout with a core strengthening TRX plank. This is more difficult than a traditional forearm plank as your feet are hanging in the TRX straps which creates even more instability, rather than being fixed to the ground. This will help you get better results as you’ll really feel it! Hold the plank for as long as you can maintain proper form, with your shoulders positioned above your elbows, back flat, core contracted, while maintaining a steady breathe. This is the workout finisher, so try to go the distance.

If you want another advanced modification, drive your knees in as you pike your hips up.

Great job! That’s your first TRX circuit completed.

That’s your first TRX training workout:

You just finished the 15 Minute TRX training workout for beginners.

Hopefully you enjoyed that TRX workout and are feeling it throughout your entire body.

Be sure to keep track of how many reps you completed within the designated time so you can track your progress and beat it during your next workout.

More TRX training workouts to come.

If you haven’t picked up your TRX straps yet, here’s a link to a great deal on the TRX.

Leave a comment below to let me know if you enjoyed this 15 Minute TRX training workout for beginners.

Also be sure to check out my other workouts such as my 4 minute fat burning Tabata workout.

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