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8 Best Slider Exercises To Add To Your Workout


Valslide workout and exercises to strengthen your core

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing the 8 best slider exercises to add to your workout to strengthen your core.

But first, as you know, I’m very skeptical on fitness gadgets.

Call me old school, but the majority of my training incorporates:

  • barbells
  • dumbbells
  • bodyweight
  • cables
  • kettlebells
  • resistance bands
  • machines

Don’t get me wrong, there are a few non-traditional fitness items that I love to use, such as the TRX and Sandbags, however most of the fitness gadgets on late night informercials are trash.


So I have to keep it real

When I first heard about these sliders, called the Valslide, I was slightly skeptical.

Best Slider Exercises

But when I did my research on the creator, Valerie Waters, I quickly realized she was often featured in fitness magazines, as the trusted trainer to celebrity clients such as Jennifer Garner.

I also saw the list of endorsements from world class trainers such as Michael Boyle.

This quickly ended my skepticism of slider exercises.

However, since I don’t endorse anything I haven’t tried myself, I was excited when Valerie asked me to test the Valslides for myself.

She also included this very thoughtful hand-written note.

ValSlide Review

Based on this friendly gesture, Valerie’s credibility, and the credibility of all the trainer endorsements, I decided to put the Valslides to work.

Although the Valslides comes with a DVD and instructional guide, being a dude, I did what we do.

I skipped the instructions, got creative, and just had fun by experimenting with these 8 best slider exercises.

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Note: the sliders used in the Instagram video above are not Valslides.

These best slider exercises are no joke

Even though these Valslides look simple, I promise, they are going to kick your butt.

If you’ve been following my Live Lean TV channel, you know I’m all about functional workouts that increase strength, improve flexibility, and overall health.

I also receive a lot of viewer requests for workouts that hit the trouble spots.

8 Best Slider Exercises To Add To Your Workout

So these 8 slider exercises target various muscle groups, including the trouble zones many people complain about, including the:

  • chest
  • core (these will help sculpt your belly)
  • glutes (the booty)
  • hamstrings (back of the legs)
  • tricpes (back of the arms)

Although diet is so important in reducing overall body fat, these moves are great to strengthen those trouble zones as well.

Check out the best 8 slider exercises

By simply incorporating the Valslides to these 8 slider exercises, you can apply a different stimulus to your workouts and keep them fresh.

Note: in the exercise images below and the linked exercise video demonstrations, I’m using a different brand of slider.

Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each slider exercise.

#1. Alternating Single Leg Single Arm Slider Push Up

Alternating Single Leg Single Arm Slider Push Up

#2. Slider Mountain Climber Push Up

Slider Mountain Climber Push Up

#3. Slider Reverse Lunge

slider reverse lunge

#4. Single Arm Circle Slider Push Up

Single Arm Circle Slider Push Up

#5. Single Arm Spiderman Slider Push Up

Single Arm Spiderman Slider Push Up

#6. Slider Push Up Fly

Slider Push Up Fly


#7. Slider Lateral Lunge

Slider Lateral Lunge

#8. Single Arm Sliding Push Up

Single Arm Slider Push Up

These are just a few of the best slider exercises I came up with

Those were just 8 advanced slider exercises that you can include into your workouts to make you sweat.

When you buy the Valslides, you’ll get access to more slider exercises and beginner slider workouts in the included follow along DVD and workout guide.

I’m telling you, these sliders are for real.

Valslide Product Review:

Valslide Components:

  • Valslides (2 sliders)
  • Carry bag
  • Workout DVD
  • Instructions and workout guide

Slider workout benefits:

#1. Core strength:

You do not need to perform thousands of crunches every day.

As you know in my book, Awaken The Abs Within, I share how completing crunches incorrectly can be harmful to your body.

Performing thousands of crunches a day is also not the most efficient way to get a flat stomach.

Incorporating more slider exercises can strengthen your core, and all the stabilizers muscles that you don’t hit with crunches.

This will lead to an overall healthier and stronger physique.

#2. Transportable:

The Valslides are small, compact, and can be brought anywhere you travel.

Here’s the only negative con to using sliders:

I mostly have hardwood floors in my house, so as you could see in the slider workout video, I completed the slider exercises on a blanket.

Most sliders can only be used on carpet.

However, you can purchase “booties” for your Valslides, which then allows you to complete all these slider exercises on hardwood or concrete flooring.

It’s a small con, but worth mentioning.

So what do I think of the Valslide and slider exercises?

Do I recommend you add slider exercises to your workouts?

Are sliders worth the price?

I wouldn’t talk about these sliders if I didn’t like the product.

There are so many gimmicky fitness products that are absolute junk, but these sliders are not one of them.

I’ll put my name, along with all the other celebrity trainers, behind them.

They only cost around $30 and I promise you, when you put them to use, you won’t regret it.

Here’s a link to buy you own Valslides.

Plus, you’ll be seeing me incorporate more slider exercises into the workouts I post on our Live Lean TV  YouTube channel.

So if you want to follow along with me in future episodes, subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube and get your Valslides here.

That’s another workout in the books

I’m exhausted, but first, it’s time for my post workout protein shake.

If you enjoyed this post on the 8 best slider exercises, leave a comment below, and click the social media buttons to share it with your friends.

Also go subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel, as I’ll be back with another Food Wars episode.

I haven’t decided what I’ll be talking about so comment below what you want to see me talk about in tomorrow’s Food Wars episode.

If you’re looking for workouts that quickly burn fat, check out more of my 4 minute Tabata Workouts here.

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7 responses to “8 Best Slider Exercises To Add To Your Workout

  1. Cathe Friedrich tops anyone out there!!!…”Valslide’s”…sorry to say, not original….too easy for people to get caught in her use of “Celebrity Hype”….if you want advanced “kick-butt” workouts Cathe Friedrich gets you there and beyond!!! …

  2. Hi Brad –

    I’m an avid Valslide fan and user! I just wanted to comment to your “con” for the valslide. They do sell the “booty” to go with them if you have hardwood floors. So no blanket or towel is needed, just the little booties. =) They really can be used ANYWHERE!

  3. OMG! You rocked the Valslide workout!!! I love your variations and will be trying them out! You are such a fitness rockstar. I must go watch ALL of your videos! Val

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