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What It Takes To Transform Your Body


Transformation is not easy. But it’s possible, and that’s really cool!

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing with you what it takes to make dramatic change in your body composition and fitness.

You might think this is too much work for you. I get that, and I know that body transformation is not for everyone.

If you’re looking for a quick or effortless way to get fit, this is not it. But if you’re willing to put in the work and do whatever it takes, then watch the video and learn the two most important steps.

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Here’s what it takes:

“1) You need to “phase” your training.

2) You need to eat in a way that supports your goal body.

So what exactly is a training phase?


A lot of people walk into a workout wondering “what am I doing today?”

They might just make something up, use machines that are available, or take a random fitness class.

When following a Phase of training, you are sticking to one or two training styles with a specific goal in mind.

For example, the goals of Phase 1 in Formula for Women

  • fat loss
  • muscle building
  • conditioning
  • getting in shape
  • preparing muscles for heavier weight lifting later

This phase will give you results, but mostly it gets you ready for the next one.

The true magic of transformation happens when you stick to the whole thing.

12 weeks may feel like a long time while you’re in it, but just think about how short it really is. There are 52 weeks in a year. Multiply your age by 52. Now 12 doesn’t seem like that big of a number.

Project forward on how many years you expect to live. Divide that by 12 and it helps put this time frame into perspective.

It doesn’t matter how long it takes. Once you arrive you’ll be happy you didn’t delay it till later.

Trust the process and keep focused on your vision of what you want to become.

I like to think of the workouts as a sort of moving meditation.

With every rep and every set you’ll begin to imagine your goal body. You’ll start to move like her, feel like her, and become her in every way.

Before you know it, one day you’ll look in the mirror and be amazed at what you see before you.

Put the program to the test and see for yourself.

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Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

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Question For You:

  • How do you decide what to workout?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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