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What Jess Eats In A Day | 3 Months Postpartum


Follow me through my day to see how I’m eating for my postpartum fitness

Calories and macro counts included for each meal PLUS you get to see my workouts!

What Jess Eats In A Day | 3 Months Postpartum

Back by popular demand! I’m doing another What I Eat in a Day style video where you get to follow me through my day and see everything I eat!

This day just happens to be one of those 2-a-day workout days cuz I start the day with 30 minutes of cardio on the stairs at 5:45 am and then do my normal lifting workout later during the afternoon too. I don’t workout twice a day everyday! I only do early morning cardio like this 1-2x per week. Currently I’m weight training 3-4x per week, gently working my way back up to my previous frequencies.


You’ll see I’m eating a higher carb percentage than I normally would recommend for fat loss, but my main goal is having a healthy milk supply for baby & so far my fat loss has been going pretty well with the combination of breast feeding and this set up.

As promised here is the breakdown of my meal plan:

jessmealplan I used our Meal Planner Software to create this meal plan and easily set my calorie and macronutrient goals. This software makes it really easy to change your diet based on your needs & preferences & plan your meals according to your schedule and goals.

I write custom plans like this for clients too, if you’re interested in becoming a client or purchasing a custom nutrition plan please fill out the application at

Hope that this helped give you ideas on how you can set goals for your nutrition and reach them without eating boring tasteless meals! For more recipe and meal ideas check out our

5:45AM | 30 Minute Stairs Workout


7:00AM | Oatmeal with Blueberries, Almond Milk, Cinnamon + Black Decaf Coffee, Water & Supplements


11:00AM | Eggs, Beef, Veggies & Grapes


1:30PM | Upper Body Gym Workout


2:30PM | Post-Workout Berry & Banana Protein Shake


4:00PM | Big Ass Salad w/ Sweet Potato


7:00PM | Tuna Sandwich on Ezekiel Bread w/ Pesto Bitchin Sauce



Thanks for watching today’s episode, keep Living LEAN!

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If not, click here to go download it now. This guide takes away all the confusion with your diet and workouts as it gives you the exact meal plan, video cooking lessons, and grocery lists you need to Live Lean without being a slave in the kitchen. It also includes a FREE 4-week Hot Body Workout program.

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I love you guys and keep Living Lean.

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4 responses to “What Jess Eats In A Day | 3 Months Postpartum

  1. I noticed in your meal plan your protein to carb ratio is fairly close. Would you say that it is ok to incorporate carbs in every meal including snacks?

    When is it important to reduce carbohydrate intake?

    In my situation, I am trying to be more lean and lose fat but I don’t care to be cut necessarly.

    Weight: 140ibs
    waist: 31 inches
    gain weight proportionally but more in belly area
    gain weight fairy easily if I do not watch what I eat.

    Any input would be great. Thanks.

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