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Which Is Better For Weight Loss Cardio Or Weight Training?


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Cardio vs Weight Training For Fat Loss?

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m discussing which is better for weight loss, cardio or weight training?

This is one of my favorite topics and one that so many people get confused on.

Especially all the Live Lean ladies.


What is the superior method for fat loss?

Is lifting weights or aerobic cardio more effective for weight loss?

Let’s discuss.

For all the traditional cardio lovers out there, I’m sure your side of the discussion will weigh heavily on the point that the primary energy source that weight training uses is not fat.

Yes, it’s true that weight training primarily uses carbohydrates.

But that’s not the whole truth.

3 reasons why weight lifting is far more effective than cardio for fat loss

#1. Weight training increases the production of noradrenaline

Let’s start off by talking about the biochemical, noradrenaline.

Weight training is far more effective in producing noradrenaline than aerobic cardio training. 

So why is this important? 

When noradrenaline is produced, it helps activate the brown fat cells in your body.


Now you may think activating fat cells is bad, but not when we’re talking about brown fat cells.

Brown fat cells are a category of fat that burns calories rather than storing them.

I talk about this in my book Awaken The Abs Within.

Brown fat cells increase the rate at which you burn calories.

In other words, brown fat cells help to speed up your metabolism

So let’s sum up this point.

Weight training is more effective in producing noradrenaline than aerobic cardio.

This production of noradrenaline then activates more brown fat cells, which helps burn more calories within a few hours after lifting weights.

So to increase the production of noradrenaline, spend more time on weight lifting and less time on aerobic cardio training.

Ok, let’s move on to the next point.

But before we do, have you followed me on Instagram yet?

If you haven’t, click here.

#2. Weight training increases the production of growth hormone

How To Burn More Fat [Naturally Increase Growth Hormone]

Weight training increases the natural production of growth hormone.

Most guys probably understand the importance growth hormone.

But what about the ladies?

Should women be interested in increasing your natural production of growth hormone?


Growth hormone is a peptide hormone produced in your hypothalamus.

One of the main roles of growth hormone is to regulate your body fat and lean muscle tissue.

A healthy production of growth hormone is also important for strong bones and a strong immune system.


When you perform high intensity exercises like those found in my Live Lean Afterburn workout program, it produces a lot of lactic acid in your body. 

You know that burn you feel during an intense exercise?

That’s lactic acid.

When this increases, your blood pH levels drop, which then creates the release of growth hormone.

So remember, the fastest way to lose fat and stimulate the release of growth hormone, is by lifting weights, not aerobic cardio training.

Again, more weight lifting, less aerobic cardio training.

Let’s move on to the last reason.

#3. Excessive cardio creates higher levels of cortisol

You’re more likely to produce higher levels of cortisol and free radicals via aerobic cardio training than weight training.

Cortisol is often labelled as the stress hormone.

Think of cortisol as that annoying friend that always drags you to do things that increases your body fat and stops you from building muscle.

All those people that do endless hours of steady state cardio have a lot of cortisol pumping through their body.

Excessive cortisol increases body fat, especially in the belly, and stops you from building muscle.

So there are your 3 reasons why weight lifting is the superior method for fat loss

But I want to hear your fat loss experiences of lifting weights vs aerobic cardio training.

What method gave you better overall results.

Leave your answer in the comment section below and let’s get a conversation going.

Also, remember what you eat is very important when it comes to losing fat.

If you’re new to healthy eating, I recommend you go sign up for our free 7 day starter guide to start Living Lean.

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  • Effective gym and home workouts
  • Weekly meal plan
  • Delicious recipes
  • Step-by-step cooking videos
  • 5 steps to start Living Lean

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Question For You:

  • What method of training have you had better fat loss results with: cardio or weight training?
  • Were you following a designed workout program? If so, which one?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

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304 responses to “Which Is Better For Weight Loss Cardio Or Weight Training?

  1. I’m 14 and I weight about 165 pounds and I don’t wanna do weights is there
    anything other I cab do like I pretty much just eat rice and I play
    basketball for 5 hours and the gym but weights I don’t want muscle but I
    just wanna look nice and fit into shirts I like plz someone help me out I
    got 3 weeks till I go back to school cuz summer break is about to finish I
    wanna at least fit into some nice clothes I would be really thank full if
    someone helped…

  2. i weight lift for 1:45 everyday and I run for 15 minutes on the treadmill
    everyday at a speed of 6.0 i lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks, also i only eat
    salads and sometimes meat.

  3. Hi brad . Thank you for video . Which is better in lift weights . Light
    weights or heavy weights in your opinion ?

  4. When considering eating healthy, you have to try not to fall victim to
    modern fad diet plans. Extreme diet plans are a danger for your health,
    especially ones that seriously restrict your everyday nutritional intake.
    Many of these fad diets work for a short period of time and then the
    benefits decrease after a while. You should look up Fenoboci Diet Plan on
    google since it is not just another fad diet where you starve yourself.

  5. I just wanted to say that Brad is not a tool or an idiot. He is actually quite accurate on everything he has been saying. I thought his jokes and confidence were signs of him being comfortable enough with himself to share his humor with the rest of the world. I just read a comment that said I want to slap shot a puck to his face.. Absolutely horrible for someone to say something like that to people. Brad, all I can say is that the more haters you got the more successful you must be! Just don’t stop believing that because it is the honest to god truth. Justin Bieber is literally the most hated person of all time and he is worth 10 times more than any other famous person I could name. He is like 21 and worth 220 million… Keep it up bro!

  6. Lift weights for a while and then do some cardio afterwords. By the time
    you get on the treadmill, your primary sources of energy will have been
    significantly depleted, and your body will start turn to your fat to keep

  7. im a 5ft6 170lbs woman, im doing 30mins of elliptical cardio and 5 mins of
    weight training with 8lbs each handweights 6 times a week. my goal weight
    is 135lbs by october and i eat 1300cals a day. is this achieveable? please
    help me i’m not enjoying my extra weight :S

  8. LOL! This wasn’t exactly what I was looking for. I just want to get in
    better shape not lose weight. This guy’s hilarious, though.

  9. The only cardio I do is a few mins of rowing before lifting to warm up and
    that’s because I enjoy rowing, i really dislike most cardio.

  10. I am 360 pounds and my weight loss journey is just starting. I have
    noticed I lose more when I lift than when I do cardio. Thanks for
    verifying this.

  11. I’ve recently become more serious about getting into shape and losing fat.
    I weight just over 250lbs and according to my biokinetics examination last
    night 44% of that is fat. I’ve been lifting weights and going to bootcamp
    training sessions 3 times a week. And in this short space of time my weight
    has been stagnant but I can see the changes in my body and am able to lift
    more and more weights. I really just watched this to prove my mother wrong.
    That my method of losing fact is far more superior that running nowhere on
    a treadmill.

  12. Are you making these awful mistakes in your weight loss regimen? Copy and
    Paste into Google Fat Blast Furnace to find out.

  13. Hey Brad! please reply
    i have started intermittent fasting and i am currently doing 20:4
    Also i weight about 88kg with muscle mass of 66kg.
    I don’t know what to do i do HiiT Cardio and i have a good macronutrient
    cycling diet
    On the other hand i do calisthenics after Cardio but i never so weight
    training because i have the fear that i will gain weight but i don’t want
    to gain weight i want to lose weight What should i do?

  14. Hi Brad, Nice video. I have a question, I’m trying to lose weight I mean
    I’m not fat, but my belly isn’t flat yet and I wanna see abs, I do cardio
    and weight lifting but I pay way more attention to the lifting, however
    when I am in a hurry I can’t do both, what should I do? just cardio or
    just weight lifting? taking into account that I wanna see my abs and my
    muscles are already strong because I lift.

  15. I agree I was working cardio all the time. Then my nutritionist recommended
    weights started that and everyone noticed I have getting leaner and I feel
    muscle way more defined I’m glad I got the understanding in your video

  16. You shouldn’t waste your time anddollars and efforts on weight
    losssupplements or creams since their effects if any are temporary.

  17. I’ve done all methods at one time or another and my gut feeling (no pun
    intended) is that you are dead on. I’ve just spent the last week doing
    lots of cardio for the first time in a long time after getting chubby again
    and the results have just not followed the way I think they should. I’m
    going to scale back and hit the weights for the next week and see how it
    feels. I power walked over twenty miles last week and am very unsatisfied
    with the results, frankly. And at my age…I’m now very tired and sore.
    I’m taking the day off today from all activity, getting a good nights
    sleep, and then hitting the gym tomorrow.

  18. I do my elipacal first for 20-30mins then bench press.. bicep curls triceps
    punching the bag.. and maybe after that u do 10 mins on the bike stretch
    then eat or drink my whey protein shake… is that ok… I’ve seen results
    on that… so far.. 😀

  19. I see fewer over weight runners than weight lifters in the gym. Brown fat
    activation is not the whole story.

  20. hey brad!
    i’ve started to train cardio about 3 months ago, on a low carb diet.(i
    weighted 290 pounds, went down to 240)1.75Centimeters
    so far i lost 50 pounds.
    a week ago i started weight lifting,
    i gained 10 pounds, and thats alot, im still on low carb, and because of
    that i think my muscles get sore too much.
    i have 2 questions:
    if im on such a high weight should i continue on weight lifting for losing
    weight or should i turn back to cardio?did you refer the weight training
    for lean people or for everyone?
    secondly, i wanted to know what do you think about NOT eating after weight
    lifting session on low carb diet(doestn’t really matter if low carb or
    not), just the fact if not eating, does it really burn more calories or
    should i eat to build muscle?
    thanks alot!!

  21. To lose the weight efficiently and keep it off, you must have a permanent
    plan instead of bouncing from diet to diet.

  22. Hi Brad, i’m doing the low carbs high protien diet thing, i do jogging for
    30 min in the early morning .. heavy weight lifting at 7 pm and HIIT tabata
    for 4-8 min right after the weight lifting .. am i on the right track? will
    i be able to see good results soon? noting that all what i need to lose are
    max 9 Kilograms of fat not muscles. Thank you from the Middle East.. your
    videos are pretty awesome 🙂

  23. I used to run an hour a day for a year and it did 1 thing for me…… Made
    me good at running (I was quite slim but not toned or anything).
    I then got into heavy lifting which made me Bulky, Strong but Fat.
    But I finally found a niche. 1 handed TRX. Because I’m so off balance when
    doing this and have to use my whole core and some legs just to keep from
    falling. I’m much fitter now, better looking and stronger. In fact I’m
    stronger now than when I used to do the heavy lifting.

    The moral of this story – Resistance exercise is much better for training
    and fat loss as long as you do compound exercises that work YOUR ENTIRE
    BODY at once.

  24. Man this video is probably the funniest/best advice talk about how to melt
    off that belly fat. I do cardio on alternate days from weight training and
    the results are showing very highly. Paired that with some IF and damn, my
    mom thought i was dying LOL.

  25. Hey brad quick question i was doing nothing but cardio. I was droping some
    weight from 188 to 183 then i started lifting i hardly do cardio now i went
    from 183 to 191 is it just muscle? I wanna cut down on weight i’m 5’7

  26. Ive been doing workout dvds like insanity and t25 following there plan but
    haven’t loss not a single flippin pound, I cut out sugar i cut out carbs i
    stop pen eating meat and still nothing.. so I was thinking of doing weight

  27. LIFTING!!! Hands down has helped me shape and sculpt my body I”ve lost
    95lbs to date and yes I did cardio but not being a gym member it was mainly
    walking and climbing hills it wasn’t crazy hours on a treadmill. However
    thanks to Youtube and people like you Brad I did lots of research watched
    videos and came up with my own lifting program and seriously stuck to it!
    Now I’ve been lifting for about 3years now, with Crossfit thrown in for
    good ole Olympic lifts. I love it I find peace in the iron even on rest
    days I think about and plan my workout constantly challenging my self to
    lift heavier, and the results have been amazing!! When woman ask me (me
    giving advice still wows me!) how to get arms like mine or toned legs. I
    always, always tell them eat clean and make lifting the focus and cardio
    the add on and not the other way around! Lift ladies LIFT!!!! Thanks Brad!

  28. Wayhay to much detail for the average Joe, I only clicked this video ‘cus I
    was annoyed with the title. I had to stop when you started to talk about NA.

    If you wanna lose ‘weight’ , stop putting so much food into your mouth.
    Cardio or weightlifting for weight loss? Diet!’ Eat nothing but vegetables
    (not potatoes)and drink nothing but water for a month and watch yourself
    turn into skin and bone.

    Of course if you wanna be ‘toned'(despise that word, build musce whilst
    losing fat?) then yeh I couldn’t recomend weight lifting more. Squats,
    deads.. presses. Girls that squat are hot!

  29. He is right about weight lifting increases fat burning hormones. I used to
    weigh 210 pounds, my first mistake was doing excessive cardio ( jump rope
    and treadmill) after switching to strength training and then slowly
    progressing to weight lifting as my waist exponentially shrunk in size.
    Another thing I noticed was decrease in appetite after weight lifting
    session compared to my cardio session as would I could eat like a horse
    after my workouts

  30. not all weight training helps from what i have read, they say single muscle
    training doesn’t help in fat loss, however squats or lunges exercises like
    that do.
    so what are you saying exactly we should not do cardio and only muscle
    training ? or minimize cardio and maximize the weight training ?

  31. Helo..your video was helpful but im confused if rubber resistance bands do
    same work as weight lifting? And is 20 minutes daily workout is enough?

  32. It is possible to lose fat without risk and stop weight gain back again if
    you have the correct eating plan, without medications, hard exercises…

  33. How you doin’ Brad! Love your videos, you’re the one that got me drinking
    lemon water each and every morning and it feels good! Thanks and keep up
    the good work!

  34. Man I wish I knew all of this years ago. A few years back I dieted hard,
    ran and did P90X for about 5 months to get ready for vacation. During the
    whole time doing it I was sore, tired, grumpy at least a few days each
    week. I got Baker’s disks in both knees and plantar that would come and
    go. I was relieved when vacation time actually started. The first day I
    relaxed and filled up on regular food. The very next day I finally started
    seeing muscles! I could not figure out what happened. Forget cardio
    unless you’re training for some specific sport or unless you just like it!
    Heavy lifting and decent nutrition. Now, if someone would discover that
    pizza and ice cream are daily staples in any great fat loss plan…

  35. Great video! I started at the gym 90kgs heavy and started an intense cardio
    workout, started losing weight, 10kilos to be exact and then for the
    following 2 months my weight would not budge. My weightloss was at a stand
    still. That is until I started incorporating heavy lifting both compound
    and isolation. Within that same week my weight started to shed. I slowly
    started to shift my workout more towards heavy lifting until my workout
    ratio was 30mins hiit cardio and 50mins weightlifting. Now I do 15mins hiit
    on treadmill and get straight into heavy lifting. So I advocate heavy
    lifting to anyone, give it a go!

  36. I wonder what I would be doing if I wouldnt have found about
    *ExprezSliminizer* from one of the videos. I have a customized diet plan
    exclusively for me which makes me lose without much efforts.

  37. its true weight lifting does burn fat faster! BUTTTTT when you couple
    weight training and cardio together….WHOA! im disappointed he didnt
    mention this in his video. i personally do body weight exercises and

  38. Each and every weight loss candidate should go for ExprezSliminizer like
    me(lost 30lbs coz if it) and be thrilled by its guarantee to make your life

  39. Im trying to lose weight and was wondering if eating an apple was bad if im
    cutting back carbs? And any advise will be welcome.

  40. It would be a shame if you did not get ripped when these people accomplish
    it easily using Reborn Lean Max (Look it up on google).

  41. My classmates laughed when I told them I was going to lose weight with
    Stupid Simple Slimming, but then they saw the results. Go and google Stupid
    Simple Slimming to see their reaction.

  42. I a young woman..last bit of fat stays..i gain muscles easy but
    the fat around it stays…eat healthy drink 8-10 glasses water a day what
    can i do to lose that last bit of fat or am i just not pacient enough?

  43. He is right about weight lifting increases fat burning hormones. I used to
    weigh 210 pounds, my first mistake was doing excessive cardio ( jump rope
    and treadmill) after switching to strength training and then slowly
    progressing to weight lifting as my waist exponentially shrunk in size.
    Another thing I noticed was decrease in appetite after weight lifting
    session compared to my cardio session as would I could eat like a horse
    after my workouts

  44. That unwanted event when your step-brother (who’s been a loser for a
    lifetime, I have to say) gets an incredible girl to fall in love with him
    in like a couple of weeks?! Yeah, that basically happened. I know I ought
    to be happy even so I would prefer if it was me. He revealed that he used
    the Cupid Love System (Search in Google for it). I want to hide out inside
    of a cave at this point…

  45. really so much. thanks for posting this awesome information. I like your way of writing. specially I got something new from this site. I love your this site so much.

  46. Dude change your topic is says, ,which is best for WEIGHT LOSS – cardio or
    weight lifting. But your explaining about fat loss not weight loss

  47. It would be a shame for you not to bulk up when these other people get
    ripped easily with Morsch Muscle Madness (search for it on google).

  48. It would be a shame for you not to bulk up when these other people get
    ripped easily with Morsch Muscle Madness (search for it on google).

  49. Hello, have you seen Xvelte Slimming Formula? (look it up on google) You
    will discover the crimes we commit against ourselves. With \”Xvelte
    Slimming Formula\”, you will discover how to burn calories fast.

  50. Hello, have you discovered Fat Blast Factor? (look it up on google) You
    will discover the crimes we commit against ourselves. With Fat Blast
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  51. Millions of people have the priceless gift to burn fat — but don’t take
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  52. Hey YouTubers, have you experienced Nifty Fat Blaster? (check on google)
    You will discover the serious crimes we commit against ourselves. With
    Nifty Fat Blaster, you will discover how to burn calories quickly.

  53. I absolutely love Weight Loss Green Store Tea and would recommend it to anyone looking for a different way to help with weight loss. It definitely aids speedy digestion. Everyone speaks about weightlossgreenstore** for this amazing product .

  54. It would be a shame if you did not bulk up when these normal people do it so easily using Nifty Fat Blaster (go google it).

  55. It would be a shame if you did not bulk up when these normal people do it so easily using Nifty Fat Blaster (go google it).

  56. Have you experienced \”Crankmax fat loss\”? (Google it) It is a quick way for you to get rid of fat fast.

  57. Hi, have you experienced Xylphlike Fat Loss? (look for it on google) You will discover the crimes we commit against our bodies. With \”Xylphlike Fat Loss\”, you will discover how to burn up fat fast.

  58. Hi there, have you discovered Mega Muscle Method? (look for it on google) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against ourselves. With Mega Muscle Method, you will discover how to bulk up quickly.

  59. This is the best achievement of my life.I have tried to follow the method from healthsolutionforyou . blogspot . com/ and I have successfully lost 15 kg of my weight. Now I feel my body fresh and can do a lot of activity easily and fun. You also have to to try this method, It’s totally amazing.

  60. Cut out your carbs and do weights. Stick to a strict diet (no fat food at all) eat 6 small meals a day every 2-3 hours and you will lose weight.

  61. If you seriously want to burn up fat fast, you should do a google search Legion Fat Loss. They will help you get the body you deserve.

  62. If you have been trying to burn up fat quickly, you should google Legion Fat Loss. You are bound to get the body you deserve.

  63. .I have loss 60 pounds weight cycling. I was at 280. now im 220. My rides consisted of 2 to 3 hour rides(distance 40 to 80 mile rides) I want to gain some strength but find weights and the gym boring as shit. Isolated muscle workouts are the dead of me. My goal is 160lbs. So what are some creative ways to gain strength and lose body weight?

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  65. Being fat is not genetic. True, your entire family may be overweight but it doesn’t mean that you have to be. There are success stories all the time of people overcoming their “genetics” and possibly increasing your chances of rapid fat loss. Just watch the TV show “The Biggest Loser” (google it if you’ve never seen it) It is full of people who have overcome their “genetics”. If u wana more click on my snap guys…

  66. It would be a shame if you did not burn fat when these people burn fat so easily using Stupid Simple Slimming (check it out on Google).

  67. I’ve been doing Stronglifts 5×5 for about 4 months now…no cardio….high protein/low carb whole food diet….my clothes are fitting much better. There is some truth to this video…

  68. Ok, I lost 22 pounds so far doing insanity. I want to get that ripped body. Should I lose more weight..and then weight train? I am stocky. I am very muscular but am trying to get rid of the fat.

  69. Do u think that like for example running in the morning then doing back first day then the next day run and do front. and run 2 times a day what do you think ?

  70. It would be a shame for you not to bulk up when these other normal people are able to burn fat easily with crankmax fat loss (go google it).

  71. 40%-60% heart rate related to age for example I’m 21 my 40 is like 135 bpm and my 60 is 167bpm. I do biking for 15 min monitoring my heart rate to keep it in those levels then I do elliptical 15min then I jog lightly 15 min that works for me hope that helps

  72. Hey guys don’t stop cardio.. Just start off your workout with a light cardio walk or jog or jump rope then move on to weights afterwards if you can do like 45-60 min of cardio where your heart rate will reach in between 40-50 of your heart rate related to age

  73. if you people hope to get ripped a lot faster without spending a single extra minute in the gym, then you should keep an eye on this video tutorial SIXPP.COM

    While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about.

  74. My coworkers laughed when I told them I would get rid of fat with Legion Fat Loss, but then I showed them the results. Go google Legion Fat Loss to see their reaction.

  75. You’re right. You are smart if you understand you need to eat right at your age to kill your belly.

    Listen to this do you know about the 7 odd foods that kill belly fat if you don’t know about them you must see this.

    if you are serious go for it now SIXPP.COM

    I am living. I remember you.

  76. If you seriously want to lose weight fast, you should do a google search “Reborn Lean Max”. You are bound to get the body you deserve.

  77. So is max interval training like insanity bad? Do you recommend I only do it twice a week and weight train the other three days

  78. Having problems loosing weight? Let me help you succeed. Copy and paste the link below to your browser and work towards that beach body you always wanted.

  79. Dude, I need to lose some weight, right now. Have you heard of Belly Busting Box? My buddy has shed 30kg so far with it and strongly endorses it. Not long ago I started and have shed 5kg so far so I’m getting pretty happy. Search Google for Belly Busting Box.

  80. diet! lifting weights is just one of the components to losing fat. You’ll see mega benefits from eating real food. check out my Eat Clean Live Lean Cookbook for more help with this.

  81. Brad, i’m a big guy and i’m trying to loose fat to get to see my 6 pack abs, i lifted a lot of weights for a pretty long time but nothing really happened, all that i got is bigger and stronger but the belly fat and overall the fat was still there, is it really going to help me loose fat? do i need to lift lighter weights? if not, then what can I do to loose more fat?

  82. You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY website called
    SmashHealthTipScom.You can get daily tips related weight loss,diet,beauty,etc……

  83. Yes I agree cant even believe it. You are smart if you understand you need to eat right at your age to kill your belly.

    Between one of my friend working in fitness field suggested me this 7 secret food items to kill our jelly belly.

    you can see it here

  84. It would be a shame for you not to bulk up when these normal people accomplish it so easily using Trim Fat Maximizer (search for it on google).

  85. Have you experienced “Atomic Fat Loss”? (look for it on google) It is a quick and easy way for you to lose weight fast.

  86. Y are all u ppl spaming that worthless crap… I wanted to c other ppls comments in cardio vs. Weights smh

  87. Brad, I’m gonna try this instead of running on the elliptical for 60 minutes — a warm up for ten or fifteen minutes, then go to the weight machines… Do I then do it every other day, giving my muscles a day’s time for restitution?

  88. Have you experienced “Swift Fat Loss”? (check it out on google) It is a quick way for you to burn fat fast.

  89. Have you experienced “Swift Fat Loss”? (check it out on google) It is a quick way for you to burn fat fast.

  90. Weight loss programs desperately want as many individuals as possible to give their products a try to show how good they are at burning fat.
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  91. Weight loss programs desperately want as many individuals as possible to give their products a try to show how good they are at burning fat.
    Well i just found a site that will send free test products to your home, its the secret trick to free weight loss programs! 🙂
    You can get them here

  92. They laughed when I told them I was going to lose fat with Ultra Slimming Formula, but then I showed them the results. Google Ultra Slimming Formula to see their reaction. (You should see their faces!)

  93. Hi everyone im trying to help my mom provide for my family better. I see her working very hard and i just want to help. I apologize to anyone who fins this annoying. But there is a really good way to lose weight on fatbellyloss(.)blogspot(.)c(o)­m/ If you are willing to, can you guys like this comment so more people can see this.It would make my mom really happy. Thank you for listening.

  94. i just love my 30 min run pre weight lifting. it just give me so much endurance that i cant pass on. I say do both aerobic and weights.

  95. If you seriously want to burn fat fast, you should google Cosmos Fat Loss. You are bound to get the body you deserve.

  96. If you are looking to burn up fat fast, you should search google for Lean Body Blaster. You are bound to get the body you deserve.

  97. My coworkers laughed when I told them I was going to lose fat with “Lean Body Maximizer”, but then they saw the results. Do a search on google for “Lean Body Maximizer” to see their reaction. (It was epic!)

  98. Hi, have you seen Slim Body Maximizer? (Google it) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With Slim Body Maximizer, you will discover how to get rid of fat fast.

  99. They laughed when I told them I was going to lose weight with Slim Body Maximizer, but then I showed them the results. Go google Slim Body Maximizer to see their reaction. (It was epic!)

  100. My family laughed when I told them I was going to burn off fat with Zippy Fat Loss, but then they saw the results. Do a search on google for Zippy Fat Loss to see their reaction. (You should see their shock!)

  101. Yesterday I came across on site where I got 69 VERY useful weight loss tips and all for free, if you want them, visit this site:

  102. I lost more weight on a 2 month cardio workout than I did on a 3 month weightlifting program.Can you explain this?

  103. @anthony julian:
    yep, i definitely agree, my coworkers with this method and that
    she lost 36 lbs, 9.5 inches in her stomach
    To see more, have a look at here:

  104. Have you experienced Ultra Slimming Formula? (Go google it) It is a quick way for you to burn off fat fast.

  105. Have you heard about Mega Muscle Method? (do a google search for it) It is a quick way to get stronger fast.

  106. Hi, have you discovered Trim Fat Maximizer? (just google it) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With Trim Fat Maximizer, you will discover how to burn up fat quickly.

  107. If you want to lose fat quickly, you should look up on google Slim Body Maximizer. They will help you get the body you deserve.

  108. Hey everyone, this really helped me lose weight its 100% natural weight loss solution Visit POUNDALE. For the past weeks, I have been following this simple weight loss program

  109. Have you experienced Lean Body Blaster? (Go google it) It is a quick way to burn fat fast.

  110. you should check out the testimonials via Live Lean Afterburn program on my website. a lot of live leaners are getting fantastic results.

  111. When I was diagnosed as insulin resistant, my doctor put me on low carb diet and recommended I add Weight Loss Idealiss to my regimen to help my body better burning fatr. After one month, I have lost weight, especially around the waist and my blood glucose level was within the normal range. I also feel more vibrant and clear headed. I think this is a great product…

  112. To increase the brown fat is a good thing to lower the temperature in your house, the brown fat activate itself at 18 C

  113. Anyone tried the Proladox Diet Plan (do a search on google)? I’ve heard some incredible things about it and my buddy lost tons of weight with it.

  114. Diet supplement companies are dying for as many individuals as possible to give their products a try to demonstrate how good they are at help people lose weight.
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  115. It would be a shame if you did not get ripped when other normal people are able to burn calories so easily with Supreme Fat loss (Google it).

  116. It would be a shame if you did not get ripped when these normal people are able to burn off fat so easily with Zippy Fat Loss (search for it on google).

  117. Have you heard about “Atomic Fat Loss”? (do a google search for it) It is a quick way for you to lose weight fast.

  118. If you seriously want to lose weight fast, you should look up on google “Windy Fat Loss”. They will help you get the body you deserve.

  119. Have you heard about “Lean Body Maximizer”? (Go google it) It is a quick and easy way for you to burn fat fast.

  120. If you are looking to get ripped, you should search Google for “Max Muscle Booster”. That mighta help you get the body you deserve.

  121. yes, lifting weights will build muscle which burns fat off A LOT faster. it’s key to burning fat.

  122. Okay, So I’m very uneducated in fitness (which is why I’m a big boy haha) so if I start watching what I eat and start lifting the fat comes off? It won’t make me bigger?(new muscle over fat)??? That’s what I would be freaked out about. Thank you so much!

  123. My classmates laughed when I told them I was going to burn fat with “Epic Lean Body”, but then I showed them the results. Google “Epic Lean Body” to see their reaction. (It was epic!)

  124. Amazing site to buy weight loss products! Low prices!!! Yay 😀

    Check out the link!
    TCGO .info/4kdo

  125. It would be a shame if you did not build muscle when other normal people do it so easily with Lean Body Blaster (check it out on Google).

  126. If you have been trying to burn off fat quickly, you should look up on google Slim Body Maximizer. That can help you get the body you deserve.

  127. Hey Brad, I’m sometimes really tired after training and dont know why. I think I sleep, drink and eat enough…Can you do a video on this? Thanks!

  128. My pal follows this program and that he dropped 10 lbs within the first 30 days just spend 22 minutes/day
    For more information, look at here:

  129. “Weight Loss Idealiss” herbal solution is great I have only been taking them for about a week and I can tell I’m not nearly as hungry or bloated most definitely sticking with this product!..

  130. Hello! I’m Elizabeth.I do -40 lbs in 7 days.Open

  131. It would be a shame for you not to get ripped when other normal people are able to burn off fat easily with Slim Body Maximizer (Look it up on google).

  132. want to lose weight and see the change in you as early as possible??
    try dr. charles fat loss factor 🙂
    follow this link => bit(dot)ly/10F0x8H

  133. It would be a shame if you did not shed fat quickly when other normal people can so easily by implementing Aston Fat Furnace (go google it).

  134. Want to lose weight with no adjustments to your lifestyle, No tedious workout sessions, No change in eating habits? All through a product that is all organic and proven to work with several amazing health benefits. Or are you looking for a great business opportunity to make money simply and on your own time? Or maybe both?
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  135. Start losing weight with EASYGQ.COM … The proven way to reduce stubborn body fat without workout.

  136. Hi, have you heard about Rapid Muscle Booster? (Google it) You will find out about the crimes we commit against our bodies. With Rapid Muscle Booster, you will discover how to build muscle fast.

  137. Hiya, have you discovered Ultra Slimming Formula? (look it up on google) You will discover the crimes we commit against our bodies. With Ultra Slimming Formula, you will discover how to lose weight fast.

  138. My classmates laughed when I told them I would get stronger with “MegaMAX Muscle Maker”, but then they saw the results. Go google “MegaMAX Muscle Maker” to see their reaction.

  139. If you want to burn fat, you should Google “Lexus Fat Blast”. You are going to get the body you desire.

  140. Faster metabolism = Burn off unwanted calories = weight loss,
    Here’s how to do it right:
    Try it:

  141. My family laughed when I told them I was going to burn fat with Lean Body Blaster, but then I showed them the results. Go and google Lean Body Blaster to see their reaction. (You should see their shock!)

  142. I’ve just recently found Brad Gouthro’s channel, but I have been living by Leansecrets (channel) for the past month. She is very much the same as Brad. I bought her Lean Secrets package (only $27!). I’m not sure what all Brad does (as I haven’t watched a ton of his videos yet) but she teaches you to do high intensity circuits. She has you mix “cardio” exercises in with weight-lifting exercise. You do 4 different exercises back to back & then take 1-3 min rest & do it again.

  143. If you really want to shed pounds fast, you must Google search for “Madax Fat Blast”. You are surely going to get the beach body you should have.

  144. If you desire to bulk up, you might want to Google search for “SSM Muscle Method”. You are going to end up getting the body you merit.

  145. If you want to burn fat quickly, you must Google “PAFF Fat Furnace”. You are sure to end up getting the body you should have.

  146. go search my 3 video series on calories back in January 2013. it’ll show you how to calculate your requirements

  147. And when I train, I mean fully body with Olympic lifts 3 times a week, with TRX and plyos as well. Cardio 4-5 times a week as in Sprints, Swimming, boxing, or light jogging. I don’t feel overtrained, but I do feel I am confused on the caloric intake I need. I understand the bigger the body/more energy you expend, the more calories you need. I am just trying to see what’s best for my body, but time is running out. 3000+ feels good, but if I wanna lean out 2220-2500 kinda makes me gain fat I feel

  148. I wanna know about the carbs/calories. Someone who is trying to lean up like me (to about your physique-I’m currently 6’2 216.5lbs with about 13% BF), but who trains very intense, how much should I be getting a day? I usually try to stick with 3000-3200 calories to lean out, but I feel I’m barely seeing anything? This is my fourth week and I got 6 more to go. I have even tried carb cycling sometimes, but still am unsure about how much I should get, without hurting performance, DRASTICALLY. thx

  149. It would be a shame for you not to build muscle when other normal people do it easily with Zippy Fat Loss (go google it).

  150. It would be a shame for you not to get ripped when these normal people accomplish it easily using Morsch Muscle Madness (check it out on Google).

  151. They laughed when I told them I would lose weight with “Fat Blast Formula”, but then they saw the results. Go and google “Fat Blast Formula” to see their reaction. (It was epic!)

  152. Have you seen Fat Blast Factor? (do a google search for it) It is a quick way for you to shed fat fast.

  153. Have you experienced Slim Body Maximizer? (check it out on google) It is a quick way for you to lose weight fast.

  154. i LOST 4 pds a week by biking 40 min, doing the rowing machine for a half an hour and then went and did weight training for about a hour 3 TIMES A WEEK, eating 1000 calories a day and stayed under 12 gms of SUGAR a DAY and 44 CARBS a day, a little more when workiing out maybe 75 grams, and 12 GLASSES OF WATER, and eating CHICKEN AND A VEG FOR A MEAL, eating diet jello wiith nuts for dessert and drinking water with lemons, limes, and oranges slices, make in a pitcher and drink duriing the day. also eating meat and fish and vegs for other meals, not really eating too much carbs, except my oatmeal, healthy cereal with the good grains, you know, aramath, quineoa, vanilla at MOTHERS store and maybe some pita chips with hummus, ocassionally, along with protein drinks, and drinking green teas and taking probiotics, and choium complex, with flaxseed in my protein drinks, and also taking 2 teaspoons of coconut oil a day. shalom ! and happy healthy, EATING !!!

  155. Have you tried Slim Body Maximizer? (check it out on google) It is a quick and easy way to lose fat fast.

  156. Hi, have you seen Atomic Fat Loss? (Go Google it) You will find out about the crimes we commit against ourselves. With Atomic Fat Loss, you will discover how to lose weight fast.

  157. I am 45 and recently found that cardio isn’t working. It’s like my muscle turned to mush over night… How many days should I lift weights and should I do any cardio? I just found your site and found this information useful. Thank you for your help

  158. Hey there, have you experienced Ultra Slimming Formula? (check on google) You will learn about the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With Ultra Slimming Formula, you will discover how to burn up fat quickly.

  159. keep lifting and doing intervals. this will help GH but ultimately height is very much in the genes.

  160. Ey Brad, unrelated to losing fat. There are theories that weight training, stretching and intense cardio exercises induce HGH/testosteropne levels, and in essence make you grow taller. Even after the age of 21.

    Do you know anything about growing taller by stretching bones, and increasing HGH levels?

    My goal is to grow 8-9 inches taller. I am 21 yrs.


  161. Thanks for the video. What is a good amount of fat loss per month? I am 5’6, I started at 42.7% body fat in September and am now 38.1% based on my Omron scanner. I’m still really heavy (started at 321, now 242)…but my fat isn’t burning as fast as I think it should. What I do is 3 full body strength traning sessions per week and 3-4 running sessions per week. My goal is to be at a normal body fat percentage and I am currently traning for a half marathon.

  162. depends on your goals, but typically lift weights 4 times a week with 1-2 interval cardio sessions.

  163. go to my bradgouthrofitness[dot]com/items-i-dig page for my supplement recommendation. protein powder is the first priority.

  164. Amazing video! How often do you recommend women work out? How many times per week and for how long each time? How much cardio vs weight training is recommended each time? Thanks 🙂 Love your channel!!!

  165. Thanks for entertaining take on WT.

    The verdict is still on with the established medical & exercise physiology communities (as read on journals) that one needs to train for cardiovascular health. So I do cardio and resistance training intervals. Except that I still have visible abdominal fat layer, I am generally happy with the overall “lean” look and energy. The cardio & resistance training combo interval workouts are time-efficient and convenient for me. I am sure I am one of those extremely rare male who doesn’t want to look bulky or weight more. I aspire to have a body that looks like Kevin Bacon’s in ‘The Followers’.

  166. You forgot to put sex in this equation, it’s cardio and weight lifting all in one… LMFAO – Actually, shockingly enough, it doesn’t burn all that many calories! Probably cause… ahem… cannot last all that long – AHHHHH OK that was quite the inappropriate comment, but hey, I’m gunna OWN IT!

  167. Hey Brad, Could u please make it more clear to the women out there that weight training can mean HIIT training with weights, or body weight. Cardio, and weights in intervals, or even cardio, and body weight training together is highly efficient at burning fat, and building muscle.

  168. Good advice. I do find weight training harder for me than cardio too so I wonder if that has something to do with it’s effectiveness.

  169. AH I am sharing this with all my girl friends! It drives me nuts when they spend hours on cardio machines because they think lifting weights will make them bulky!

  170. I NEVER do cardio, and I mean never. Not only is it not as efficient at burning fat, but I find it down right boring. Lifting weights is the most efficient way to burn fat and gain muscle, and so much more enjoyable than standard cardio. The results can’t be argued either. I can rock a pair of jeans like no ones business LOL.

  171. @yazyh dumbbells are great and so is bodyweight. Sprints kick steady state cardio ALL DAY everyDay

  172. the combo of weight lifting and intervals is the best fat killing combo. but to answer your question, muscle is the driver of your metabolism so building muscle will help you burn calories (and fat) ALOT more effectively

  173. I honestly didn’t think I would lose as much as I did. I’ve always tried dieting and exercise but would lose motivation so quickly. Do you think weight training at this point will help make things tight and tone?

  174. Thank you. It took me about 5-6 months. I’m hoping to lose an additional 40 in the next 6 months but I want to do it with weight training.

  175. I started my weight loss with regular exercise ( cardio ) and portion control, dropped 40 pounds, started lifting, noticed huge results, ( so did my wife ). Now I’m on the treadmill once, maybe twice a week, I lift 3 days, and do tabata 3 to 5 days. The weight is staying off, and the muscle is adding up.

  176. I have have found a mixture of HIT and a resistance training (4-5 times) with a few spin classes has helped me lose 200 pounds,
    . However when i lift i work flat out in those 4 sessions, mainly big movements (deadlifts, clean and press, snatch, bench press, squats and lunges) i do odd isolation exercises but its all about power and explosion generally with high level of cardio

  177. What kind of weight training? Would dumbbells be sufficient? Or exercise using or own body weight such as squats? I don’t possess any weights besides dumbbells. Please advice. I do cardio and running but always randomize. In my running, I do some sprints and change my pace. Never steady. Good?

  178. Desiree. See. Ur an example. U lost ur elasticity. Cardio doesn’t build muscle or make ur body tight. If anything it gets rid of muscle ( muscle equals ur friend equals high metabolism) & slows ur metabolism ( which ur metab. really is ur best friend).

  179. It take 24-48 hrs for muscles to go back to normal state after WT. U burn cal’s even postworkout. Also WT helps with skin elasticity. cardio=saggy skin.WT helps keep u sexy aka tight, toned & lean. I learned tho in massage school 🙂

  180. Thank u & finalllllly someone makes people ( women ESP) realize true fat loss comes from weight training. THANKKKK UUU for WAKING ppl up!

  181. Hotdrumchick u lose weight as a whole not just one area. Even if u target certain areas. Ur body loses as a whole. Use light weights & higher reps.

  182. Hi Brad! I have always favored weight training over aerobic training. I find that weight training gives me better and faster results. I feel more accomplished when I leave the gym versus the way I feel after cardio. I actually enjoy doing CrossFit as well. Thank you for this video and for everything that you share with us! I am extremely passionate about nutrition & fitness and I am working on becoming certified. I have been following you since about Dec & I just want to say again, Thank you!!

  183. Hi Brad! You are so funny! This video was informative & amusing. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!

  184. I’ve lost 40lbs recently by doing cardio 4-5x a week for an hour but I now have batwings for arms and my stomach doesn’t really look much smaller. I want to start weight training to get rid of my flabby arms and make my stomach shrink, there’s just so many machines, I don’t know where to start. Also, if I wanted to do both, should I do cardio first and then weights or vice versa? I think you mentioned this in another video but I’ve forgotten. Thanks!

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