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Will Daily Stretching And Foam Rolling Help Loosen Up Tight Hamstrings And Lower Back?


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How To Loosen Up Tight Hamstrings And Lower Back

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, we’re answering a viewer question who asked, will daily stretching and foam rolling help loosen up tight hamstrings and lower back?

Today’s viewer question is from #AskLiveLeanTV Ep. 019.

Here’s today’s viewer question:


Dex2real on Snapchat says:

My lower back and hamstrings have been tight for a while now. Will stretching daily and foam rolling be enough to loosen them up?

Will Daily Stretching And Foam Rolling Help Loosen Up Tight Hamstrings And Lower Back?

Jess: Yes, stretching daily and foam rolling will definitely help, however how long are you doing it for

For example, if you are just doing a total of 30 seconds, it’s probably not going be enough. 

However, it can be enough when you can spend a good chunk of time after your workouts focusing on:

  • Working through your muscle knots with the foam roller
  • Improving your flexibility by getting deeper in your stretches by breathing and relaxing

What do you think Brad?

You have had phenomenal progress, so tell them about your hamstrings and lower back.

You can almost do the splits now.

Brad: Even though my lower back is pretty tight, fortunately my lower back has never been sore from lower back pain.

It seems I’m one of the few dudes who lifts, without lower back pain.

Jess: He says his lower back is tight, not sore.

Brad: The key to loosening up your tight hamstrings and lower back is all about consistency, consistency, consistency.

Foam Roller For Tight Hamstrings:

Stretches For Tight Lower Back:

If you’re consistent with your workouts, be consistent with your stretching.

It’s about refocusing your mindset on your priorities.

If you are dialed in with your workouts, it’s now time to also be dialed in with your foam rolling and stretching. 

Jess: You’re right.

I feel like most people graze over the mobility, stretching, and flexibility aspect of their fitness.

Most people hit their workout hard and then put little to no effort into their stretching routine.

They just want to be done, so they don’t have the patience for it.

Brad: What is your focus?

If your focus is to build bigger and stronger calves, put your calves workout at the beginning of the workout, and then everything else follows.

This is the priority principle of training.

Jess: You can also intertwine the flexibility exercises in between your weight lifting sets.

If completing all your stretches at one time is boring to you, mix it in during your workout.


Brad: Here is how you can make your stretching fun.

Put on a podcast like our #AskLiveLeanTV podcast and listen while you’re stretching.

That’s what I do. 


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Question For You:

  • Do you have tight hamstrings and a tight lower back?
  • What stretches and mobility exercises do you incorporate into your flexibility routine?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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