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Workout Bloat: Can Working Out Make You Bloated?


How To Stop Workout Bloat Fast | 6 Causes & Solutions

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m answering the question, can working out make you bloated, as well as sharing the 6 causes and solutions on how to stop workout bloat fast.

Do you ever feel bloated after a workout?

If so, you are not alone.

In this post, you’ll quickly learn why working out sometimes makes you bloated and more importantly, what you can do about it to feel leaner and stronger than ever.

Trust me, Live Lean Nation, you don’t want to miss this.


So, grab your water bottle and let’s dive in!

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Let’s dive into a question that I know a lot of you are curious about:

Can working out make you bloated?

First off, yes, working out can sometimes lead to bloating.

6 Causes Of Workout Bloat

Let’s break down the reasons why and what you can do about it.

#1. Swallowing Air

The first reason is swallowing air.

When you’re huffing and puffing through a high intensity workout, you tend to breathe more heavily, often through your mouth.

This can cause you to swallow air, which then gets trapped in your digestive system and makes you feel bloated.

#2. Dehydration

5 Ways to Drink More Water Live Lean TV 5 Ways to Drink More Water

Next up, dehydration.

Not drinking enough water before or during your workout can lead to dehydration.

When your body’s dehydrated, it holds onto as much water as it can, which can make you feel bloated.

So remember, hydration is key, Live Lean Nation!

#3. Digestive Disturbances

Another big one is digestive disturbances.

High intensity or long duration exercises can slow down your digestion because your body’s prioritizing blood flow to your muscles, not your stomach.

This can cause food to sit in your stomach longer and lead to bloating.

#4. Diet

5-healthy-foods-that-cause-bloating-thumbnail Live Lean TV

Let’s talk about diet.

What you eat before and after your workout matters.

Foods high in fiber, certain carbs, and gas producing foods like beans and broccoli can contribute to bloating.

Plus, some sports drinks and supplements contain sugar alcohols, which can be tough on your digestive system.

#5. Electrolyte Imbalance

Then there’s electrolyte imbalance.

When you sweat, you lose electrolytes like sodium and potassium.

An electrolyte imbalance can lead to water retention and bloating.

Make sure you’re replenishing those electrolytes, especially after a tough workout.

#6. Hormones

Lastly, let’s talk hormones.

Exercise, especially intense sessions, can increase cortisol, the stress hormone, which can slow down digestion and cause bloating.

Also, let’s not forget about muscle repair.

Your muscles can hold onto water as they recover, which can lead to that bloated feeling.


5 Solutions To Stop Workout Bloat Fast

So, what can you do about it workout bloat?

Here are 5 solutions to stop workout bloat fast:

  1. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout.
  2. Avoid carbonated drinks before you hit the gym.
  3. Eat easily digestible meals or snacks before exercising.
  4. Listen to your body and adjust your diet if certain foods make you feel bloated.
  5. Gradually increase your workout intensity to give your body time to adapt.

Workout Bloat Vs. Workout Inflammation

Now, let’s quickly differentiate between workout bloating and workout inflammation.

Workout bloating is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen caused by swallowing air, dehydration, slow digestion, certain foods, or electrolyte imbalances.

It makes your stomach feel swollen or gassy.

Workout inflammation, on the other hand, is the body’s response to muscle damage from exercise.

It involves swelling and soreness as the body repairs tiny muscle tears.

This natural process, known as Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS), usually occurs 24-72 hours after a workout.

Key Differences Between Bloating And Inflammation

  • Bloating: Felt in the stomach, caused by digestive issues and hydration.
  • Inflammation: Felt in muscles, caused by repair processes and immune response.

Manage bloating with hydration and diet tweaks.

Manage inflammation with rest and recovery.

There you have it, Live Leaners!

Working out can cause bloating, but with these tips, you can minimize it and keep feeling great.

If you found this video helpful, tap the social media buttons to share this with your workout buddies, and subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel if you haven’t already.

Keep Living Lean!


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