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Workouts, Meal Portion Sizes, And Cheat Meal Tips


Earning That Cheat Meal | Live Lean Life Ep. 050

On today’s vlog episode of Live Lean TV, I’m showing you a day in the life of Living Lean, including my workout, meal portion sizes, and cheat meal tips.

In Live Lean Life Vlog Ep. 050 I share:

Morning Walk With The Family

Good morning world.

It looks like we have another beautiful day in San Diego.


You just can’t hate on this gorgeous weather.

To start the day, we went for a morning walk with the family.

Not only am I grateful for the gorgeous weather and people in San Diego, I’m also grateful for my gorgeous baby, gorgeous wife gorgeous dog, and my gorgeous life.

I’m such a lucky guy.

Bruno was in a rush since he needed to go pee.

Kyla was also super excited once she saw the swing at the park was open.

She usually freaks out when she sees another kid using it.

As I was pushing Kyla in the swing, Jessica said I was being too gentle.

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Usually I play rough when wrestling with her, because I know I’m in control, and she likes it.

However, when I’m pushing her in the swing, I feel like she is out of my control, which is why I’m more gentle.

How To Eat Breakfast Burritos While Limiting Your Consumption Of Grains

As we were walking around, Jessica and I were both thinking a breakfast burrito would be so good right now.

So once we came home, we made them.

How To Make A Tasty Breakfast Burrito Recipe

To make these breakfast burritos we simply made scrambled eggs with sautéed kale, added 1/3 of an avocado, then poured a little salsa on top.

I usually have 1/3 of an avocado as a serving.

To limit my consumption of grains, I used one tortilla shell, then put the rest of the egg mixture in a bowl.

A lot of people may think I’m 100% “paleo”, so I never eat grains.

To clarify, it’s not that I never eat grains, I just limit the amount of grains I have.

In order to do this, I just focus on making better decisions.

For example, rather than having 3 tortilla shells to fill up the rest of my eggs, so I can hit my protein requirements, I just have one.

To be honest, I’m happy with eating just one tortilla shell, since one tortilla shell satiates me to the point where I’m good.

After I eat one breakfast burrito, I’ll then move on to eating what I normally would have for breakfast, which is the rest of the eggs in the bowl.

How To Portion Out Your Food Based On Your Goals

We get a lot of questions about, “what if my husband doesn’t eat the same as me?”, or “my kids don’t want to eat like this”.

If you have different goals than someone else in your household, you can modify your plate based on your nutritional requirements and goals.

How Many Calories Should I Eat A Day?

Everyone in your household can eat similar foods, however you should just focus on serving those foods in different portion sizes.

For example, Jessica is having two tortilla shells.

However, to do this she excluded the avocado and is having less eggs, therefore she is having more carbohydrates and less protein and fat than I am.


This is an example of how you can make your meal higher carb, higher protein, or higher fat, just by changing the portions of specific foods on your plate.

I decided I wanted more fat, so Jessica dared me to bite through an avocado, with the skin on.

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Luckily, only the inside of the avocado went inside my mouth.

I’ve never eaten the avocado skin before.

Who needs to use a knife when you have a big set of teeth like me.

Poolside Bodyweight Exercises Without Getting In The Water

After breakfast, Jessica and Kyla coached me through the following poolside bodyweight exercises:

A1. Single Leg Decline Push Up With Knee To Elbow Crunch

The first exercise is the single leg decline push up with knee to elbow crunch.

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A2. Floor Tap Squat Jump With Reach

Next exercise is the floor tap squat jump with reach.

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A3. Push Up Kick Through Toe Touch

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Up next is the push up kick through toe touch.

A4. High Knee Taps To Sprawl

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For the high knee taps to sprawl exercise, complete 4 high knee taps, then 1 sprawl.

To complete the sprawl, lie belly down on the ground, then reach your arms out to the side.

Take a 30 second rest between each exercise or however long it takes you to catch your breath.

The goal is to make sure you rest long enough so your next set is not sloppy.

If your fitness level is advanced, 30 seconds is plenty.

However, if you’re just starting out, you could take up to a minute and a half rest.

How To Be An Awesome Personal Training Client

After each exercise I asked, “what’s next?”.

Jessica loves the attitude when her clients ask, “what’s next?”, instead of “when am I done?”.

When it comes to bodyweight training, you are never be too good for the basics.

In other words, basic bodyweight moves are never below you, no matter how fit you get.

A lot of people think bodyweight exercises are only for beginners, they are not.

Regardless of your fitness level, you can still get a ton of benefits from bodyweight exercises, even if you are a super advanced athlete.

This Week’s Cheat Meal

It’s time to go out for a nice little cheat meal with the family.

What are we having for this week’s cheat meal?

Not pizza!

I ordered a yellowtail fish sandwich with some sweet potato fries.

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Jessica ordered a burger with garlic truffle fries.

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Kyla is having a little bit of french fries for her cheat meal.

It was so good.

When we go out for our cheat meals, we go all out so we can enjoy them.

However, when we go home, we get right back to regular healthy eating.

That’s how we manage adding cheat meals into our healthy lifestyle, without ruining our progress.

Unfortunately, some people just aren’t ready to incorporate cheat meals yet, so only do it if you can handle it.

For example, if you can’t have one meal and then get back to your regular way of healthy eating, maybe your mindset is not yet where it needs to be to incorporate cheat meals.

When you’re in maintenance mode, things are a bit different than when you’re in transformation mode.

If we were currently in transformation mode, we would definitely keep our cheat meal calories more in check.

Inspiring Before And After Body Transformations

However, maintenance mode is a bit different, so it’s important to not confuse a transformation journey for a maintenance journey.

If you are in transformation mode and have difficulty incorporating cheat meals into your weekly routine, it’s important to continue your journey of healthy eating, without adding cheat meals, until you’re mentally ready.

Remember, you do you.

12 Exercises Ideas: Shoulders, Calves, Back, Forearms, Traps

Here are a few more exercise ideas from our Live Lean TV exercise database.

  1. Feet Elevated Pike Push Up
  2. Dumbbell Walking Calf Raises
  3. Single Arm Machine Seated Row
  4. Machine Seated Row
  5. Seated Dumbbell Arnold Press
  6. Donkey Calf Raise
  7. Reverse Machine Fly
  8. Single Arm Reverse Machine Fly
  9. Hack Squat Calf Raise
  10. Seated Dumbbell Wrist Curls
  11. Seated Dumbbell Reverse Wrist Curls
  12. Standing Dumbbell Shrug


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